Hwy # 3
Seem to me that Hwy #3 has not been " significantly " inproved for over 30 years. All the way from Cranbrook to Osoyoos !! Very very dangerous highway, especially in summer with number of tourist travelling east and west plus regular trucker on a " rush " schedule. Rock Creek to Greenwood is terrible , with very few passing...
alternative transportation
I've been hearing a lot about bike and car share companies sprouting up in many metropolitan areas. Businesses, too, are starting to get on board with this - offering incentives for their staff who are car-poolers or choose to take alternative transportation to work. Companies that service cars (i.e. tire shops and mechanic...
Poverty and being homeless in the Boundary
They say this is the time for giving and opening up our hearts to the people who have less. Right now, here in the town of Grand Forks I have counted with my own eyes six people who are grossly under housed, and by that I mean they are sleeping where ever they can including by the river in tents or on some ones couch. Now...
Conscious Discussions & Eco-friendly Holidays
As many of you might already know, I host the Conscious Discussions Talk Radio show - this is a free online radio program that offers discussions with people from around the world who are working towards a healthy planet. There have been several locals who have appeared on the radio show too! The show airs every week on...
Trash Talk: Efficiency Equals Reduction
Imagine that if at the grocery store the person bagging your purchases left empty, unused spaces in each bag causing you to carry 10 instead of 5 bags out to your car then into your home. You would be investing some extra time, energy and space when it was unnecessary. Now transfer that thought to the waste and recycling...
Garbage in its Place
There is nothing worse than seeing garbage blowing down the street of your neighborhood, or finding broken shards of glass at the local swimming hole where children play. Wildlife is just as vulnerable to garbage and many have lost their lives after becoming tangled in waste or mistaking garbage for food. It is up to each of...
The Electric Grapevine | Brand X | 09.05.10
Branding the Boundary is the topic du jour locally and it should be. The area has been in a state of flux for sometime with no real identity coming to the forefront as the area hovers in limbo. The "Sunshine and Borscht" sign has faded into oblivion and been replaced by a gaping hole in the frame that remains. It's a somewhat...
OP/ED: PoCo Police are...Hard for Justice
The challenge of finding a common thread between the various subjects and topics that bounce through my head becomes so great some weeks that I'm tempted to write mini columns or abandon the computer altogether. I admittedly haven't found a feasible one this week so expect me to reach like your uninvited fat uncle does for ...
The Electric Grapevine | A Summer of Flops | 07.07.2010
Its been six months since venturing into my favorite category of debate, the film world, but after watching the majority of this years' biggest films crash and burn like a Justin Hammer creation (Iron Man 2 anyone?) I feel its worth wading hip deep into this years pile of bombs.After a quick look at box office returns for...
Is BC to big?
British Columbia is a large and wonderful place, with one problem, not enough citizens and a lot of rules and regulations guranteed to keep you thinking you are safe anyway, in case you were wondering. You know provincial ministries CYA regualations, helmets required when riding a bike and pay for your gas before pumping....