
Prohibition - Learn from History

The message behind the CBC’s Cannabiz show is not that Grand Forks is the pot capital and is totally crime-ridden but that in order to reduce local crime and increase a legitimate economy we need to consider abolishing the prohibition of marijuana. Prohibition refers to a sumptuary law which prohibits the manufacture,...

First dandelion of the year

I saw a lonely little dandelion trying his hardest to bloom up on Reservoir Road yesterday!...

The Importance of the Democratic Process

I am ashamed to live in a community where the actions of a few individuals dictate the reactions of our Council. Please don't let the mudslinging within one of our local newspapers of recent, blind you to the importance of the democratic process. In the past couple of months the issue of medical marijuana has gone completely...

The Electric Grapevine | Top 10 Worst Films of the Decade Vol. 2 | 01.17.10

In true Tarantino fashion I'm back with Volume 2: Burn After Reading The Cohen Brothers' follow up to the epic saga that was No Country For Old Men was in my opinion the weakest film the deft filmmaking brothers have made. I actually got so mad upon the first viewing I went back in to the theatre to make sure I really disliked...

Stop Feeding the Deer – for their sake

“Feeding deer in winter may seem like a kind thing to do, but in reality, it's not a good idea. Wildlife experts have long discouraged feeding, saying it makes deer more vulnerable to disease…” (Hamilton-Halton Watershed Stewardship Program) http://www.conservationhamilton.ca/Asset/iu_files/DeerFeedingFactsheet.pdf Deer fed...

The Electric Grapevine | Top 10 Worst Films of the Decade Vol. 1 | 01.03.10

I should disclaim that a specific set of guidelines are used in compiling this list. The titles must have had either previous incarnations, massive expectations or lofty source material to live up to. If it weren't for my self implied rules we would simply be left with 8 Steven Seagal films, Epic Movie and anything Paris...

Thanks to the Boundary Sentinel

This is a great paper and site. thanks...

Is food from food banks and Christmas hampers a gift or a right?

I have heard several recipients complain about the contents of their Food Bank and Christmas Hamper boxes. I want to know if receiving these from volunteer organizations is their Right or their Gift. These volunteer organizations do the best they can with what they receive as donations to meet the needs of their recipients ...

Grand Forks Clams

One of the main reasons nothing gets done in this wonderful community of Grand Forks can be illustrated by a story I heard once: This boy went out clam digging. He dug for hours putting each clam carefully in his pail. Oh his arm ached from all the clams that he had found and dropped into the bucket. He decided he must have...

The Electric Grapevine | At First Sight | 12.20.09

Vancouver's ever expanding Translink system was the scene of a scenario that would have Seinfeld taking out a notepad recently although my opinion on the exchange is yet to be determined. A seemingly vision impaired man sitting across from me on the Seabus, at first, seemed to be just that, a blind man enjoying a ride across...

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