

Phoenix Mountain racers take to the slopes!

The snow is falling and soon skiers will be gracing the slopes of Phoenix Mountain. Starting Jan. 8, 2011 the Phoenix Mountain Racers hit the slopes and are looking forward to a stellar snow season!The Phoenix Mountain Racers (a non-profit community group) participate in the Nancy Greene Ski League, which is an alpine ski...

FEATURE: Local CGA wins highest honours from provincial association

It's clear that even after 30 years in accounting practice, Jim Burch, is still on top of the numbers.  Burch was recently awarded lifetime membership in the Certified General Accountant (CGA) Association, the highest designation that can be bestowed on a CGA in B.C. He was recognized for the many years of volunteer service...

Christmas trees raise money for food bank and agriculture

In the spirit of Christmas sharing the students of Hutton Elementary school have been busy making Christmas trees to help their community. You may have seen the wonderfully decorated trees that were the backdrop to the school’s recent Christmas concert, well these same trees will be available for purchase at a fundraising...

More Christmas spirit shared at Hutton's family concert

The students of John A. Hutton Elementary school proudly presented Christmas is a gift as this year's Christmas concert for family and friends. All the classes took part in this fun display of talent.  Click to enlarge photos and view them!...

Kicking off youth soccer in the Boundary

For the first time in many years the Boundary Region can now boast its very own soccer association, and with holidays just around the corner, parents and guardians can take advantage of early registration. The Boundary Youth Soccer Association (BYSA) was formally created during the fall of 2010, after a group of parents joined...

And now for something completely different....Oh Christmas Tree, Oh 21st Century by Local Anxiety

A unique video by a Vancouver comedy duo, Local Anxiety, gives a little different take on the 21st century Christmas. From their eco-comedy CD Greenpieces, the duo take what began as an innocent video and created a new Christmas icon.As half of Local Anxiety Mark Leiren puts it: "It was supposed to be a simple little Local ...

Perley Christmas concert was a treat to watch

Children from kindergarten through to grade 7 took their audience through the Twelve Days of Christmas at the annual Dr. Perley Elementary School Christmas concert. Held on Dec. 8, the show included a cast of narrators, and singers from every grade.Just click on the pictures below for the enlarged view, or watch the video. ...

No easy solution to the Grand Forks rail line problem, report says

With the clock ticking on the abandonment of the Kettle Falls International Railway the City of Grand Forks released their business case study to the public last week.   The report, commissioned by the City in September, does not specifically recommend one course of action, but provides extensive information on different...

Road weary Wildcats return with a single point

By The Nelson Daily SportsPlaying away from home was not kind to the Kootenay Wildcats.Kootenay managed only a single point during a three-game Female Midget AAA League tournament at this past weekend at Pitt Meadows.After falling to Prince George Cougars 6-3 and Fraser Valley Phantom 5-2 the Wildcats managed to secure the ...

Attempts to increase funding to art gallery fall flat

City council in Grand Forks is divided over funding for the art gallery. Despite an impassioned request for a renewed commitment of funding, the art gallery came away empty handed from the council meeting on Monday night. Although Councillor Gene Robert put forward a motion to provide an additional $30,000 in funding to the...

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