

Chamber thrilled about open for business award

Local efforts to boost Grand Fork’s status as a great place to do business have won our city a key provincial award: the province’s 2014 Open for Business Award. “This is fantastic news for Grand Forks, and a tribute to our city’s excellent leadership in creating a business-friendly community,” said James Wilson, Executive ...

City of Grand Forks wins open for business award

The City of Grand Forks is one of the winning communities of the Open for Business Awards at the Union of British Columbia Municipalities conference in Whistler. Grand Forks along with nine other B.C municipalities was honoured with the B.C. Small Business Roundtable’s Open for Business Award. The award recognizes local...

Habitat asks students to get writing for good cause

Encourage student writing while helping the community! Habitat for Humanity Southeast BC (HFHSEBC) will be participating in the Meaning of Home Writing Contest, a national fundraising initiative of Habitat for Humanity Canada.  With the support of a partnership with Genworth Canada, Habitat affiliates are able to participate...

Annual breastfeeding challenge around the corner

This year our local mothers will be participating in the 12th World Breastfeeding Challenge held in the Boundary area.  This will be at Gyro Park on Saturday, Oct 4th at 11:00 a.m. The purpose of this event is to increase public awareness that breastfeeding is the best choice for both babies and mothers. For the both of them...

LETTER: Never forget about the plummeting wild deer populations

The recent government announcement that 117 complaint cougar were killed by the conservation service the last fiscal year once again highlights the biggest threat to the future of the province’s wildlife resource is wildlife managers in Victoria. The announcement should have also made the point that the deer the cougar’s...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Awesome boxes and electric fencing

We’ve got something at the library you might know about – our very own Awesome Box. Anytime you’re returning a book/DVD/etc that you’ve checked out, you can put it in a small basket on the checkout desk (it’s got an “Awesome Box” sign on it), and that lets us know that you thought it was awesome. If you ever want to see what...

Fire ban partially rescinded in Southeast Fire Centre

Effective at noon (PDT) on Friday, September 26, Category 2 open fires will be permitted within the Southeast Fire Centre due to a decreased risk of wildfires. However, Category 3 open fires are still prohibited within the Southeast Fire Centre's jurisdiction, with the exception of the Columbia Fire Zone. The public is now ...

Boundary couple receive Forestry award

A Boundary couple, Fred and Jane Marshall, are one of four winners of an Ministry of Forests award. The Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations minister, Steve Thomson, has given four awards for people who run small, community-based forestry operations.  The Marshalls won $2,500 for the South region for...

LETTER: Water meters not the answer, enforce conservation

Against the wishes of many residents, the city has pushed ahead with the idea of requiring every home to install a water meter at a cost of at least $1.3 million.  The city has justified this expensive decision on the basis of three assumptions; Water meters are the most effective way to conserve water.   Water meters will ...

BEDC and CF Boundary join Invest Kootenay

The Boundary Economic Development Committee and Community Futures  Boundary recently rejoined a program that promotes investment in the region.    Invest Kootenay uses its online presence to help those looking to set up, buy or sell businesses in the Boundary region. This regional partnership has joined forces to attract,...

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