

Course offers assistance for dementia caregivers

A few hours could make a huge difference in the lives of Grand Forks caregivers.The Family Caregiver Series, on Sept. 23 and 30, will explain effective ways to care for a person with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia."For family caregivers, the commitment can last many years, and can bring with it high stress levels...

Expert on GMO's coming to forum in Grand Forks

A series of forums to discuss the issues that surround genetic modification (GM) on a local and national level are being co-sponsored by Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior. The forums will hear from Lucy Sharratt, coordinator of the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), a collaborative campaign of 18 member...

New drug may treat virtually all viral infections

In a recently published article in the journal PLoS One, researchers at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory claim to have developed a new drug that has the potential to cure nearly all types of viral infections ranging from the common cold to highly deadly hemorrhagic fevers.The new drug, known as DRACO (double-stranded RNA activated ...

Why the BC Liberal government doesn't value your life

There are many instances I've come across in the past number of years which suggest to me the Campbell/Clark Government places no real value on the lives of its citizens - this despite Premier Clark's "families first" motto. That's a bold claim, I know - which is why I'm going to state my case here, drawing on several specific...

Annual Boltz run for cancer shared Kettle River day with fun for the entire family in Midway

‘A great day for a run,’ was the resounding sentiment from participants of the second Annual John Boltz Memorial Run. The weather not only cooperated, but provided optimal conditions: heat not being excessive and mixed clouds giving shady breaks to Midway’s morning sun.   Organizer of the event, Stephanie Boltz, said the run...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

E-course provides ways to deal with workplace stress

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has developed a new e-course to provide workers, supervisors and managers with tools needed to prevent, eliminate and reduce workplace stress.“Work stress has a high cost for individuals, organizations, and for society. It can harm workers' psychological and...

Hike Observation Mountain as part of your Canada Day

Last year, 26 people and four dogs climbed Observation Mountain as a celebration of Canada Day. It was a happy group of youth, novices and walkers - all were proud of their achievement. This year the third annual climb is planned with three routes: Easy from Copper Ridge – 1.6km and 182m/597ft; Medium from Barbara Ann Park ...

Open house shows off facility's value to community

Community members had the chance to view Broadacres Care Facility on the weekend as owner Rod Gustafson prepares to sell the buildings after losing a bid to provide care under the Interior Health Authority (IHA).  Gustafson opened the facility’s doors to the public so they can see first hand the quality of the renovations...

OP/ED: The implosion of Canada's medical marijuana regulations

On April 4, 2011 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Justice D. J. Taliano in the case of Regina versus Mernagh handed down a decision supporting on individual’s rights to access medical marijuana.   Although the medical use of marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001, the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)...

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