

UPDATED: EVACUATION ORDER Issued for Nelway Area, EVACUATION ALERT now includes Shambhala Music Festival after McCormick Creek Wildfire jumps Salmo River

In a media release Saturday morning, the Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centrel reports that BC Wildfire said the McCormick Creek wildfire has jumped the Salmo River toward the Shambhala Music Festival and is also moving in an easterly direction towards the community of Nelway. “The fire is...

Piranhas cap off amazing season at Kootenay Regional Meet

The Grand Forks Piranhas concluded an amazing season on the Kootenay Summer Swim Association circuit with “fantastic” Regional Swim Meet. The Piranhas finished third overall behind Castlegar and Kimberley at the meet held this past weekend in Nelson. “I am so proud of all the swimmers who attended because they all had amazing...

Out of the Interior: Survival of the Small-town Cinema in BC comes to Boundary City in September

Out of the Interior: Survival of the Small-town Cinema in British Columbia is a full-length exploration of classic movie theatres in BC’s southern interior, from Vernon’s Towne Cinema to Creston's Tivioli; from Grand Forks’ GEM to Revelstoke's Roxy – and every stop along the way. Curtis Emde & Silmara Emde delve into the...

Village of Salmo Establishes Precautionary Emergency Operations Centre

The Village of Salmo said in a media release it has established a satellite Level 1 Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) as a precautionary measure to monitor, collaborate and communicate with emergency management stakeholders related to the McCormick Creek wildfire currently located 20 kilometres outside of the Village limits...

Dairy Queen and BC Children’s Hospital invite Boundary residents to put the 'treat' in treatment on Miracle Treat Day

On Thursday, August 10, Dairy Queen fans in Grand Forks are encouraged to visit their local Dairy Queen to celebrate Miracle Treat Day. Proceeds from every Blizzard Treat sold at the Grand Forks Dairy Queen will be donated to the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation, one of 14 Children’s Miracle Network member hospitals across...

City of Grand Forks issues notice of lease termination to Whispers of Hope Benevolence Society and Boundary Emergency and Transitional Housing Society

The City issued notice Wednesday for the soup kitchen, emergency shelter and thrift store to cease operations by Friday August 4th, 2017 at 5 p.m. and to vacate the building within thirty days. A media release on the City of Grand Forks website said this action follows dozens of complaints from the public and thousands of...

A Cycling Salmon and the Columbia River Treaty

This weekend, Graeme Lee Rowlands reached the end of an impressive six-week journey across the Columbia Basin. Calling himself “the anadromous cyclist”(in reference to the Columbia River’s spawning fish), the 22-year-old university student has spent the past month cycling up the river – from its mouth...

Wind causes wildfires to grow in Southeast Fire Centre

The Southeast Fire Centre said in a media release Monday that current weather conditions in the region are having an impact on wildfires with wind activity causing the size of several fires to grow on Sunday, July 30, 2017. Island Pond wildfire The 150-hectare Island Pond fire that started on July 30 is about 17 kilometres ...

Local Air Cadets meet Snowbirds in Grand Forks

During the last week's Grand Forks Airshow, Air Cadets from Trail, Nelson and Grand Forks had the chance to meet the Pilots and Ground Crew of 431 Air Demonstration Squadron, the Snowbirds. The cadets who were also helping out at the airshow where able meet the ground crew before the show and the pilots after the show. Master...

West Nile virus risk increases as summer heats up

As summer temperatures increase, so does the risk of West Nile virus. The risk of getting West Nile virus is highest from the end of July through August. There are some important measures people can take to reduce their risk of infection. West Nile virus is a disease that is spread from infected corvid birds (crows, ravens,...

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