

Grand Forks man missing in Kettle River

What started as a pleasant day of canoeing in the Kettle River has ended in tragedy for two men from Grand Forks. On Saturday, June 12 the two men launched their canoe south of Beaverdell into the river. Later a passing motorist was flagged down by one of the men saying that this friend was missing in the river. The one man...

Stop the invasion!

You have an opportunity to actually stop an invasion!  It’s rather thrilling to know that you can stop an invasive species before it damages the ecosystem, harms animals and people and becomes expensive and time consuming. A Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) plant and rosette were found on Kerr Creek Road between Midway and...

Sun shone on the Relay for Life Saturday

After nearly two weeks of rain the sun came out in full force for the Grand Forks Relay for Life. The annual fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society is held in 53 communities across B.C. and the Yukon, and Grand Forks ranks well with the total raised at the time of printing at $31,253.The day opened after a welcome from ...

LETTER: Environment minister responds to Atamanenko's criticisms

Dear Editor, I would like to clarify for your readers the facts regarding statements that Mr. Alex Atamenenko made is his opinion piece on June 9. It is important for Canadians to understand that the Budget bill will not change the fundamentals of environmental assessment. These changes are about process in order to remove ...

SUMMING IT UP: School District 51 Board of Trustees

While contentious issues of conflict of interest guidelines and the composition of the district parent advisory council are still on the table, the School District 51 Board of Trustees dealt with a busy agenda at their last meeting. Major decisions made include proceeding with four full-day kindergarten classes in Grand Forks...

Dance recital shows off impressive youth talent

Over 85 students from the Grand Forks Granby Dance Studio put on an impressive show for their third annual recital "For the Love of Dance"  with the support of their teachers and many parent volunteers. With styles ranging the dance spectrum from hip hop to jazz to traditional Irish, the students provided entertainment that...

Molnar human rights hearing postponed

The case before the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal against Les and Susan Molnar of Grand Forks has been delayed. Ronald Smith, attorney for the Molnars, said that the case, slated to be heard June 9 and 10 in Kelowna, was postponed when the representative for the complainants, Shaun Eadie and Brian Thomas, was taken ill.   Smith...

POLICE: Traffic charges laid one year later in Rock Creek fatalities

A Surrey man will be appearing in Grand Forks provincial court on July 27 to face charges for the deaths of three pedestrians in Rock Creek in 2009. West Kootenay Traffic Services have charged Ying Hsu Chen, 25, with driving without due care and attention under the Motor Vehicle Act. Corporal John Ferguson said that the...

Escape to the Boundary

International audiences will be getting a glimpse of the Boundary on the new television show West Coast Escapes. On June 11 and 12 local film and television Producer, Nik Green, is bringing a production team including veteran Wings Over Canada creator John Lovelace to shoot across the region.Escapes focuses on the best and ...

Regional chamber of commerce idea is gaining speed

Although the Greenwood Board of Trade has refused to participate in the development of a regional chamber of commerce, the dialogue to assess the possibilities of a regional body is moving forward. At a region wide meeting held in April, representatives from organizations in Christina Lake, Grand Forks, Greenwood, and business...

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