

OP/ED: Deer rage - new Grand Forks syndrome

Deer are making headlines again – no, not at the UBCM meetings where deer seemed to the be the topic of the day while infrastructure problems and health took a back seat – but now deer have crossed the line to become dangerous animals. Four deer in Marysville were terminated by the conservation officers (CO) because of...

Quilt connections from Australia

Quilters from around the Boundary and Kootenays spent five days of creativity under the instruction of Austrialia’s Gloria Loughman in Grand Forks this week. With 25 students taking advantage of the opportunity to take two different classes – multiple images within a landscape quilt and light up your landscape - Loughman...

AGRICULTURE: Valley Food News

Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) is hosting a pumpkin fundraiser this month. “We’re challenging business owners to take a pumpkin (a plywood replica) and decorate it to display in their window,” said Patti Bevilacqua, director. “Then we will auction them off at the end of the month.” Funds will...

New educational program targets invasive weeds

Stopping the spread of invasive plants in the Boundary is the focus of an educational outreach project being carried out in the area this fall.Invasive plants are aggressive, non-native plants that displace native plants in our gardens, as well as in the ecosystem. Most invasive plants are intentionally introduced, so with ...

Fortis seeks rate increases

FortisBC filed an application Oct. 1 with the British Columbia Utilities Commission to set customer electricity rates for 2011. The Company is requesting a general 5.9 per cent increase effective January 1, 2011.The rate increase is required due to ongoing investment in electrical infrastructure and increasing power purchases...

Fofonoff recognized for dedication and preserving cultural heritage

The winners of The Land Conservancy of BC’s Culture of Conservation Awards were announced on Saturday, September 25 during the land trust’s Annual General Meeting. While TLC works to protect properties of natural, agricultural, and cultural importance across the province, the organization is as much about people as it is...

Noyes held at hospital for at least one year

By: Jack Keating, The Province, PostMedia News Kimberly Noyes, who killed her 12-year-old autistic neighbour because she thought the boy’s death would allow for the second coming of Christ, has been ordered held. The Review Board made the decision last week regarding Noyes, who at her B.C. Supreme Court trial in July was found...

Bruins: a tale of two teams

Two weeks is all it took for the Grand Forks Border Bruins’ bubble to burst as the team went from contenders to pretenders, and from a team that could score at will to a team that should be writing one. It really is a matter of night and day for the Border Bruins at this juncture in the season, as they have found themselves...

Volunteers recognized at appreciation night

Volunteers are the backbone of every community. More often than not, these community members do their work quietly with no expectation of rewards – they do what they do because they have a passion for something. Volunteers help in big events and small acts of kindness, from behind the scenes to out in front of audiences,...

Midway named solar community

Midway is one of 15 communities and one First Nation receiving funding totalling $80,000 to develop and expand innovative solar power programs, making healthier communities for families across B.C., announced Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources Minister Bill Bennett.   The funding for B.C.’s newest Solar Communities will ...

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