

Exhibit depicts colourful Tibetan life

A stroll through the latest art exhibit to open at the Grand Forks Art Gallery is both educational and exotic. The traditional Tibetan art by Choegyal Rinpoche depicts Tibetan life from sketches to full colour paintings. Some of the works are strictly spiritual renditions, but most are of the day-to-day life of a Tibetan.  ...

Bruins newest players add much needed scoring depth

The Grand Forks Border Bruins may have found the answer to their anemic offensive this past week adding brothers Yan and Artsiom Kalashnikov of Belarus to the roster. With both paying dividends in only their second game in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL), they became the only high spot in what was...

Homeowners switching to solar save money, says SolarBC

The City of Grand Forks renewed their commitment as a solar community when they received a certificate from SolarBC at their last meeting. Nitya Harris, executive director for SolarBC, was on hand at the meeting to talk to council about SolarBC’s activities across the province and opportunities for home owners and businesses...

Dance company brings Aspects of Love to the stage in Grand Forks

Next Friday, Oct. 22 marks the beginning of Boundary District Arts Council’s Performance 2010-2011 concert series, as Ballet Kelowna dances its new fall offering, Aspects of Love. This dance company first graced the Grand Forks stage in 2006.What in 2002 seemed like a pipe dream has blossomed into a “Made in Kelowna” boutique...

LETTER: Starving and slaughtering deer could be new Grand Forks marketing brand

Dear Editor, We write this letter to all the citizens in the City of Grand Forks, the surrounding area and to the five Councillors that voted for the “anti-feeding bylaw”. For 53 years we have lived at this same address and we have never had a “deer problem”. Our garden was feature in the “Gardens West Magazine” in 2007. Our...

Spooky fun starts early for horse riding fans

Halloween came early as the Boundary Horse Association held its annual spooky ride with their October gymkhana and competition. Competitors from the very youngest to adults vied for the first place ribbon from the judges including Grand Forks City Councillor Cher Wyers.First place ribbons went to Zara Todoruk in 19 and over...

Fall Pap-a-looza ready to roll

After a successful Pap-a-looza event this spring, Boundary Options for Sexual Health (Opt) Clinic is pleased to announce another Pap-a-looza event for this October. What is Pap-a-looza? Pap-a-looza is a chance to have your pap test can be done by local nurses with special training in reproductive health and pap smears. A...

POLICE: Grow op turned explosive leads to 22 charges

Justin Douglas, 35, of Greenwood, BC, is facing numerous charges after police executed a search warrant on his property, on Aug. 19, 2010, located in the 100 - block of Gold Avenue.Recovered from the property were nineteen sticks of dynamite, fifteen of which were bound together with a homemade fuse, along with three loaded...

Midway mill to re-open within six months

The West Boundary Communities have negotiated the purchase of the Midway sawmill from Fox Lumber Sales Inc. The deal, developed over the past few months with the assistance of community leaders, local governments of Midway, Greenwood and regional district area E, is targeted to close in November and the anticipated mill...

On the concert trail again - Primus, Flaming Lips and Arcade Fire

Three bands in four nights in Vancouver is not uncommon for a city bursting with music. Last week Primus, The Flaming Lips, and Arcade Fire took the city by storm in three extremely different musical scenes.   Primus brought their Oddity Faire to the PNE Forum on Saturday, Sept. 25 along with back up bands Portugal, the Man,...

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