
Fall Pap-a-looza ready to roll

By Contributor
October 11th, 2010

After a successful Pap-a-looza event this spring, Boundary Options for Sexual Health (Opt) Clinic is pleased to announce another Pap-a-looza event for this October. What is Pap-a-looza? Pap-a-looza is a chance to have your pap test can be done by local nurses with special training in reproductive health and pap smears.

A high-risk type of the human papillomavirus (HPV) is the cause of most cases of cervical cancer. Regular pap testing can detect this early and help women successfully beat cervical cancer.   How Do You Know if You Need a Pap Test?   Below is a partial list of the BC Cancer Agency recommendations regarding cervical screening.  Keep in mind that these are only guidelines and that your family doctor at any time can recommend more frequent Pap tests based on your personal health history. ·         start regular pap smear screening at the onset of sexual activity or soon after; ·          repeat smear every 12 months until there are three consecutive normal smears then continue at 24-month intervals; ·         stop screening at after age 69 if there are three or more normal smears in the last 10 years and no history of a previous significant abnormality; ·         women who have had a sub-total hysterectomy (still have their cervix) should follow the usual screening guidelines; ·         women who have had a total hysterectomy (removal of uterus and cervix) may need to have pap smears done from their vagina for a period of time, depending on pap test results before the hysterectomy. Consult your physician for advice.  Advantages of Pap-a-looza?  ·         It is held outside of regular medical clinical hours (Thursday evening & Saturday choices); ·         we book 40 minute appointments, so that you have lots of time for questions and discussion; ·         for some women, choice of a female clinician is an advantage. Women are encouraged to give us permission to send a copy of their pap smear result to their family physician.  Pap-a-looza is a partnership between Opt and the BC Cancer Agency. Thanks to Dr. Sebastian in Grand Forks and Dr. Ooi in Midway for donating clinic space and supplies for Pap-a-looza. Thanks to Pharmasave and Value Drug Mart for donating ‘gifts’ for women who come for a pap test.   We Need Your Help:  ·         Our goal is to have every woman in the Boundary know about Pap-a-looza.  Please forward this e-mail to friends, family and colleagues and/or hang the attached poster on your fridge or in your workplace coffee room; ·         call your friends – book appointments, then go for a walk, ‘do lunch’ or have a coffee together; ·         offer to child mind so that a woman can come to an appointment – or get a group of women together and share child minding around your pap appointments; ·         car pool – offer to drive someone who doesn’t have transportation to their pap appointment; ·         talk with young women in your lives, stressing the importance of pap tests to their health and offer to hold their hand while they get their first pap; ·         bring your sister – mother-in law – niece – grandmother – daughter – neighbor – mother – friend .  When/Where is Pap-a-looza and How Do I Book an Appointment?  ·         In Grand Forks the clinics are Thursday Oct.  21 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday Oct. 23 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Boundary Medical Clinic at 7486 – 2 Avenue.  Call 250-443-1428.  Say you want to book a Pap-a-looza appointment and leave your name and phone number. Your call will be returned within a day or two. ·         In Midway the clinic is on Saturday Oct. 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Midway Medical Clinic at 411 – 6 Avenue. Call 250-449-8005. Say you want to book a Pap-a-looza appointment and leave your name and phone number. Your call will be returned within a day or two.  We May be Able to Help:   If you think you just can’t get to Pap-a-looza because of child care or transportation barriers – call us – we may be able to help.     For More Information about cervical screening, the Lace campaign and Pap-a-looza, go here:  http://campaigns.hellocoolworld.com/index.cfm?campaign_id=13&campaign_page_id=160   To sign up for an e-mail reminder to get your Pap test, sign up at:  Pledge to Remember https://www.hellocoolworld.com/papreminder/

Categories: Health