

Grand Forks gives blessing to trails project

City council approved the plans for a trails information kiosk, benches and signs to be completed in 2011 by the Grand Forks Trails Society at their last meeting. The grant was written by George Longden and Chris Moslin in September, and the group was notified that they were awarded $50,000 in early December.  Longden was at...

GFSS Basketball team off to a good start for their season

The Grand Forks Secondary School’s (GFSS) Sr. Boy’s Wolves Basketball Team may not have been off to the flashiest of starts but there are sure signs they are turning the corner. Looking to build on a respectable fourth place finish in an eight team tournament, as well as a fifth place finish in a tournament which featured...

Draws for locally raised meat resume in the New Year

Monthly Boundary region meat draws for locally raised products have been a huge success over the last few months for both producers and the prize winners. The monthly draws put on by the Grand Forks & Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (also known as GFBRAS or the Ag Society) are helping to raise money for the society’s...

Merry Christmas to our community volunteers

 The year is nearly over and the winter has set in. This week is the start of the holidays for many who celebrate spending time with those we love. I must admit I am one of the jaded. I don’t have any love for the overindulgent holiday season where the stress of giving often puts families into debt. But on the other side of...

Council agrees not to proceed with arts and culture referendum

Arts and culture funding for the Grand Forks area will not be going to referendum next year if the groups involved can work out a plan. At a special meeting of Grand Forks City Council on Monday night, the Grand Forks Art Gallery Society and the Boundary Museum Society were both clear that they do not want their funding to ...

User fee and tax increases expected for 2011 in Grand Forks

With a savings of $30,000 each year, Grand Forks City Council voted to stop accepting credit card payments starting in January 2011. This may be an inconvenience for some, but may help lessen the blow of increased taxes coming down the pipe.  As part of council’s last public review of the proposed financial plan for 2011 and...

All in a week's work: Bruins win one, and almost another

The Grand Forks Border Bruins closed out the 2010 calendar year this past Friday, winning one of their previous four games, putting them in a position to turn some heads come January.   Looking back to Dec. 9, the Border Bruins welcomed division rival, the Beaver Valley Nitehawks (BV) to the Grand Forks Arena, for a game that...

Area E's commitment keeps regional economic development afloat for another year

Tension between directors was put aside last week as the Boundary Economic Development committee (BEDC) went on the road to Greenwood. With Regional Director for Area E, Bill Baird’s announcement that his area will continue to participate with the committee in 2011, they can now set their sights on next year’s work plan.  In...

Let's talk turkey!

‘Tis the season for filling your home with the smells of home baked goodies, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and the Christmas turkey roasting in the oven. It’s also the season for making sure your turkey is cooked properly and is free from any illness-causing bacteria, such as Salmonella. Interior Health recommends...

Dog sled race set to go at the end of January

Great scenery, good snow pack (let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...) and lots of good trails inspired the idea of holding a dog sled race across the Boundary. Right now, the Boundary Dog Sled Association (BDSA) is gearing up for what they hope to be a successful dog sled race this coming January.    Ruth Sims, one of the...

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