

New Habitat for Humanity multiplex offers home, security and accomplishment

James Elliott fought back a few tears of joy as he spoke to a crowd of more than 50 people who gathered to celebrate the opening of the Habitat for Humanity Boundary multiplex, Saturday, Sept. 8. James, 25, will be living in unit #3 in the multiplex. As an active member of the community who works multiple jobs and is known ...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks City Council

Grand Forks can save millions in road repairs by doing some simple maintenance now according to a report received by council last week. In his road assessment report, Michael Trickey of Strategic Infrastructure Management Inc., explained to council at their meeting on Tuesday night that there are really only 12 kilometres of...

Time capsule reveals it's secrets

For the folks of 1987 the key ingredients for a time capsule included a rather large floppy disc, VHS tape of Rick Hansen’s world tour, school children’s letters, school yearbooks from both elementary schools, photos from around town, and Sears catalogues. The time capsule, sealed on the City of Grand Forks’ 90th birthday in...

Get out and get active with the Grand Forks ATV club

The Grand Forks All Terrain Vehicle Club (GFATV) was formed in 2008 and currently now has over 30 members. Since the inception of the club, the members have provided input including approved ATV safety courses, trail maintenance, and more recently, a GPS course to help members navigate the trails. This spring the club received...

Rogers returns to Gallery 2 for evening of song

Barely out of high school, Canadian born, Garnet Rogers was on the road as a full- time working musician with his older brother, Stan. Together they formed what has come to be accepted as one of the most influential acts in North American folk music. Since Stan’s untimely death, Rogers has established himself as 'one of the...

City to exchange property for trail improvements

City land is being traded for Trans Canada Trail improvements in a deal the city recently made with Roxul. In exchange for 6,000 square meters of city owned land located beside Roxul, Roxul will give 3,000 square meters of their land to the city, said Leslie McLaren, North American government affairs and corporate communications...

Phoenix Mine geneaology to be featured on BBC radio Sept. 6

Long dead Phoenix miners and a modern-day Welsh connection will be featured on a British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) radio Wales program on Thursday, Sept. 6 at 10:30 a.m. British time. The popular BBC program, Jamie and Louise, hosted by Jamie Owen and Louise Elliott, will be including genealogist Cat Whiteaway in their morning...

Grand Forks BCGEU members join province-wide strike today

Grand Forks members of the BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU), which includes people who work at Service BC and the BC Liquor store, joined the 25,000 other members in a province-wide strike today, Wednesday, Sept. 5. The union is currently in contract negotiations with the provincial government. They are...

Public to have an impact on senior's health care

BC Ombudsperson Kim Carter is visiting Nelson and Castlegar Sept. 12 and 13 to present her findings re improving seniors' care in BC, with special reference to the West Kootenay area. Those organizing her visit to the area have scheduled events both Nelson and Castlegar at different times of the day in the hope that as many...

Libraries celebrate International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day, is celebrated around the world to raise awareness about literacy issues, is taking place Saturday, Sept. 8. To celebrate this year's theme, literacy and peace, the Grand Forks and District Public Library will be hosting a “best-loved” international book exchange. Have you read a book that you loved...

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