
Time capsule reveals it's secrets

Boundary Sentinel
By Boundary Sentinel
September 6th, 2012

For the folks of 1987 the key ingredients for a time capsule included a rather large floppy disc, VHS tape of Rick Hansen’s world tour, school children’s letters, school yearbooks from both elementary schools, photos from around town, and Sears catalogues.

The time capsule, sealed on the City of Grand Forks’ 90th birthday in 1987, was cracked open on Tuesday, Sept. 4 By mayor Brian Taylor and council in a ceremony at city hall. In the audience were a few if those who actually participated in the preparation of the capsule including the city’s now retiring chief administrative office Lynne Burch and Pauline Dergousoff who owned the Sears outlet in that day.

Things may not have changed much, but the photos did include the Yale Hotel that has since burned down. Floppy discs (the five inch size) can’t even be opened now, unless you have an antique computer, and some of the youth of the day have returned home to run their own businesses (we won’t say who but check the photo in the gallery and see if you recognize Miss Grand Forks).

The gallery was pleased to witness the unsealing of the capsule, and the contents will be on display in the lobby of city hall if you’re itching to have a look.

Watch the video to see the contents for yourself! Or click on the photos to enlarge and view!

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