

OP/ED: Heroes and villians in the face of an environmental disaster

The oil spill that now jeopardizes the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico, and potentially beyond, is a chilling reminder that all is not well with our planet. And what’s actually worse: the amount of oil gushing from the seemingly impossible-to-stop deep-sea oil well or the complacent attitude taken toward the spill by...

OP/ED: Compostible plastics could be a sweet ending to environmental concerns

I went to the local Shell the other day for snacks, yes it was a late night munchy attack, and as I was perusing the shelves for the appropriate chip a label on a bag jumped up to catch my eye - 100% compostable bag. I was so excited I had to buy it! Good thing it was a chip I like – Sun Chips.Recently I have been having some...

OP/ED: Just say no to hated sales tax

How often do we complain that our governments are passing legislation or bylaws that affect us but we have no control over? How many times a year do we grumble about the high cost of this or that? Well a small group of citizens have pushed hard enough to allow us to have the chance to say no to new taxes. In the next 90 days...

OP/ED:Genetically engineered seeds creating barriers to exports for Canadian Farmers

Canada’s flax industry is scrambling to repair damage to our export markets because of contamination by unapproved genetically engineered (GE) flax. This problem will reoccur as more genetically engineered crops are approved without rules that consider existing regulations in export markets and the potential negative impacts...

OP/ED: Babies can solve our future economic problems

It seems that everyone agrees, from our regional rural development chair at Selkirk College to the federal government, the biggest problem threatening our economic future is babies. Or rather, the lack of them. Its not that our population is declining, immigration is boosting the numbers, but that, overall, the population is...

OP/ED: Corporate tax cuts - do they really create jobs?

In 2000, then Liberal Finance Minister Paul Martin cut corporate income tax rates by a quarter, from 28 per cent to 21 per cent, phased in over five years. The Harper government has continued those cuts from 21 per cent in 2007 to 18 per cent today, and is ignoring NDP advice and further reducing corporate taxes 15 per cent...

OP/ED: Aquilini project not a shoe-in

As the Regional District Director of Area “C” Christina Lake the following is my opinion so far on the latest submission and request for rezoning by Aquilini Renewable Energy – John Negrin.First, as we have so often said, everyone is entitled to submit a request for rezoning consideration to the Board of the Regional District...

OP/ED: The spin has made me dizzy....

After listening to the gurus and pondering the provincial budget for the last week, I confess that I’m confused. And the source of the confusion is the spin being put on the pill to make it easier to swallow. Headlines read: “Province protects services for low-income clients.” Details include all the areas they have cutback...

Film festival a powerful event

Two things can typically happen to those of us who live in small towns: we become so engrossed with our smaller world that we forget to see what is happening outside of our area, and we often feel left out when it comes to cultural events. Last weekend the No Boundaries Film Club brought answers to both these problems with ...

OP/ED: MLAs Conroy and Mungall question cutbacks for surgeries at regional hospital

MLA’s Katrine Conroy and Michelle Mungall have written a letter to the Minister of Health, Kevin Falcon, describing to him the concerns that area surgeons, anesthetists and operating room nurses have with the decision by the Interior Health Authority (IHA) to cut surgeries at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBRH).In their...