

OP/ED: Electric Grapevine | Don't speak

There is a certain arsenal of daily banter that I feel needs to be deleted from our collective vocabularies. Life is simply not long enough to be responding to, "Hot enough for ya?" and other gems that people feel they need to pass on ad nauseum despite knowing that everyone on earth has been privy to this same valuable piece...

Merry Christmas to our community volunteers

 The year is nearly over and the winter has set in. This week is the start of the holidays for many who celebrate spending time with those we love. I must admit I am one of the jaded. I don’t have any love for the overindulgent holiday season where the stress of giving often puts families into debt. But on the other side of...

OP/ED: Wanna be premiers shouldn't try to play Santa Claus

B.C. taxpayers are in a grouchy mood these days - so grouchy, in fact, that Gordon Campbell is finished as premier after nine years and five months in office - what amounts to a century in B.C. politics. Now, as the competition kicks off to choose a new premier, grouchy taxpayers need to be watching their wallets closer than...

OP/ED: Council needs to get organized

Despite the intrigue of tension and challenge between councillors at the last Grand Forks council meeting, I feel compelled to rant about their process – or rather lack of. No – I am not going to dig into the sudden decision to fund the museum or the lack of referendum on a service agreement of $120,000 but the need to do one...

Eggnog and cereal varnish - Christmas is coming

With fall passing by, we enter the consumer-driven frenzy that leads up to the holidays, and I personally couldn't be happier. Gifts, chocolates and Kahlua laden lattes not withstanding I'm most excited because this is about the time of year I bust out my favourite Christmas films.   One flick stands head and shoulders above...

Senate squashes climate change bill

 BC Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko was shocked to learn that the Conservative dominated unelected Senate defeated his party’s climate change bill. Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act, had received final approval last May in the House of commons when it passed third reading by a vote of 149 – 136.  In the...

REVIEW: Bearing the brunt of poverty

Heated, passionate comments arose from the public as a film and panel presentation on the subject of poverty in this community and across the nation brought the issue of the working poor to the forefront. Over 80 people attended the screening of the film "Poor No More" and a poverty forum co-sponsored by MP Alex Atamanenko ...

OP/ED: Setting the stage for peace

As we took time today to honour those who have fallen in wars over the ages, my heart is saddened by the need to do so. I am not a believer in the need for war, but I do believe in creating change for humankind. It is unfortunate that those who seem to overtly support the peace movement have dwindled in numbers in a time where...

OP/ED: Big biotech may win in vote for non-GMO bill

New Democrat Agriculture Critic, Alex Atamanenko (British Columbia Southern Interior) is appalled at how Conservatives have slammed the door in farmers face and are ignoring their concerns over economic impact of genetically modified crops. After months of negotiation Conservative MPs abandoned a deal to allow the Agriculture...

OP/ED: Sentinel celebrates one year of news

Happy birthday to us! It’s hard to believe that the Boundary Sentinel is one-year-old this week! Right from the start the Sentinel has received amazing support from across our fair region and has grown steadily over the past year.  While the changes in one year are no where near the impacts that one can see in 100 years, there...

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