

Kettle Valley Bakery hosts Christmas fun day for children

Kettle Valley Bakery hosted an open house and sweets day on Dec. 18. Fresh cupcakes were ready for decorating and the children had fun dressing the treats up!See Jaspar and Teresa in the image gallery - Jaspar thought the sweets were better eaten straight up and not on a cupcake!...

Christmas seals a fundraising tradition

The BC Lung Association is once again in the midst of its largest annual fundraiser - the Christmas Seal Campaign. For over 100 years the arrival of Christmas Seals in mailboxes across Canada has been a cherished holiday tradition and has helped to raise much needed funds for vital lung health and air quality research, programs...

Locals support call for action on climate change

Synchronized demonstrations around the world on Saturday Dec. 12 called on world leaders to take urgent action on climate change at the Copenhagen climate talks. In Grand Forks, the Granby Wilderness Society sponsored a candlelight vigil rallying the community to join in. About 25 people attended the vigil.The Copenhagen...

Mt. Baldy parent worried for students' safety

Just days after parents in the Mt. Baldy area got the School District #51 to agree to reconsider a bus route change the district made in November, 7-year-old Jordan Vernie was left alone in Bridesville when he was dropped off by the school bus at his new stop. Jordan’s mom, Kristi Vernie whose family lives on the road to Mt....

Elks host Christmas celebration

The Elks of Grand Forks hosted a fun evening and Christmas dinner last week. Along with the Christmas celebration, the group recognized their volunteers and gathered donations for the local food bank.Those who attended Elks Lodge #493 the Christmas dinner on Dec. 12 at Flame's Restaurant in Grand Forks were: Al Kneeland &...

High speed internet coming to a cell tower near you

The Boundary Economic Development Committee (BEDC) provided Greenwood with the opportunity to explore fresh, new technology last week when Telus set up a demonstration of their new internet key.  In a rural area that has been waiting for years to see high speed internet services delivered to the more remote areas, this new ...

Funding on hold for re-training programs

A provincial government move to put a hold on further spending in the Skills Development Employment Benefits program last week has rippled down to prevent training opportunities in the near future to unemployed workers in the Boundary region. Late Friday afternoon of last week, the provincial government advised the Skills...

Land use study completed for farmers

The Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) in partnership with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) carried out a summer project collecting data from soil samples of farms in the region from June to August 2009. The purpose of the project was to gather information to be used in the...

Community's youth present their Christmas shows

Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, and part of the tradition for school-aged children is participating in their annual recitals. Recitals were held at John A. Hutton and Dr. Perley Elementary in Grand Forks showing off the talents of kids of all ages. More photos: boundarysentinel.com/image/tid/134...

Greenwood lights up for Christmas cheer

Christmas season officially started in Greenwood when their 30-foot evergreen was lit last week. The Greenwood Board of Trade hosted the community Christmas tree light up on Friday, Dec. 11 where locals sampled free coffee, hot chocolate and hot dogs while visiting around a fire.Jim Nathorst, president of the board, said that...

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