
Elks host Christmas celebration

By Contributor
December 19th, 2009

The Elks of Grand Forks hosted a fun evening and Christmas dinner last week. Along with the Christmas celebration, the group recognized their volunteers and gathered donations for the local food bank.

Those who attended Elks Lodge #493 the Christmas dinner on Dec. 12 at Flame’s Restaurant in Grand Forks were: Al Kneeland & Marsha MacGregor, Cliff & Shirley Schuh, Shawna Schuh, Thomas Reichelt, Sarge & Fern Konkin, Brian Taylor, Markus Reichelt & Bonnie MacMillan, Brooklynn West, Bob & Bev DeMaertelaere, Larry & Sylvia Jmaiff, Nick Novokshonoff, Steve & Nina Babakaiff, and Milton Wright.

Cliff Schuh, treasurer and pancake breakfast coordinator presented volunteer appreciation certificates to two new members, Thomas Reichelt and Markus Reichelt, and community volunteers Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor and Bob DeMaertelaere.

Special thanks to Cliff, Shirley & Shawna Schuh for organizing Christmas dinner, President Al Kneeland for idea of donating to food bank, Secretary Marsha MacGregor for printing cards for the candy canes and continued support with her paper the Boundary Communicator.

Volunteers who received appreciation certificates but were unable to attend included: Gordy Taylor, George Davis, Michael Zarubin, Vanessa Zarubin, Bill Zarubin.

Food was generously collected at the dinner and donated to the food bank for Christmas hampers and distribution as needed. Candy canes with a business size card attached, wishing season’s greetings, were placed on all the restaurant’s table settings, a pleasant surprise to all!

Thank-you to members, supporters, volunteers, media and the public, for contributing to the Elks and the worthy causes they fundraise to support. New members always welcome – contact: 250-442-4276 for info. Best wishes for 2010!

Categories: General