
Land use study completed for farmers

By Contributor
December 17th, 2009

The Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) in partnership with the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) carried out a summer project collecting data from soil samples of farms in the region from June to August 2009. The purpose of the project was to gather information to be used in the agricultural planning process. The data collected included such information as soil types, current crops grown, potential crops to be grown and farmers concerns.

With funding from Canada Summer Jobs Student Grant Program, and a substantial commitment from the RDKB’s Boundary Economic Development Committee, Tristan Blaine, a university student from Rock Creek, was hired to carry out the project.

The scope of the work and the data to be collected was determined in a meeting with the regional planner Mark Andison and agrologist Donna Dean of the RDKB. Soil sampling tools were provided for the project and locations for testing were established. The goal was to take several soil samples from Christina Lake through to Beaverdell. This allowed for comparisons between this survey and other surveys done in the past.

One of Blaine’s other goals was to review data collected in past surveys. He found since 1961, six surveys had been completed and several recommendations had been put forward. Due to a number of circumstances, most of these efforts had been set aside for future consideration. Through the current agricultural planning process these recommendations can now be revisited and possibly put in action.

Over the course of this summer’s project 44 soil samples were taken throughout the area. MB Labs of Sidney B.C. processed the data and returned the results to the agricultural society.

The agricultural society has compiled the completed results and delivered them to the participating farms. If we missed anyone please contact Doug at 250-442-3359.

The agricultural society would like to thank the RDKB for their generosity and look forward to working with them to help the region become the agricultural hub it once was and more.

Categories: General