

Charlie the smoking chimpanzee dies aged 52

Charlie, a Chimpanzee in a South African zoo who became addicted to cigarettes, has died at the age of 52, exceeding the average lifespan of a captive chimpanzee by twelve years. After a video of Charlie puffing on cigarettes discarded by visitors appeared on the Internet, the animal and the zoo gained international attention...

AGRICULTURE: Valley Food News

Grand Forks and Boundary Regional Agricultural Society (GFBRAS) is hosting a pumpkin fundraiser this month. “We’re challenging business owners to take a pumpkin (a plywood replica) and decorate it to display in their window,” said Patti Bevilacqua, director. “Then we will auction them off at the end of the month.” Funds will...

New educational program targets invasive weeds

Stopping the spread of invasive plants in the Boundary is the focus of an educational outreach project being carried out in the area this fall.Invasive plants are aggressive, non-native plants that displace native plants in our gardens, as well as in the ecosystem. Most invasive plants are intentionally introduced, so with ...

Fortis seeks rate increases

FortisBC filed an application Oct. 1 with the British Columbia Utilities Commission to set customer electricity rates for 2011. The Company is requesting a general 5.9 per cent increase effective January 1, 2011.The rate increase is required due to ongoing investment in electrical infrastructure and increasing power purchases...

The Commonwealth Games 2010 begin in India

 Amidst heightened security precautions the 2010 Commonwealth Games officially begins today in New Delhi, India. The Commonwealth Games is a multi-sport event which is held every four years since 1930 between the athletes of members of the Commonwealth of Nations. For the first time this event ...

Noyes held at hospital for at least one year

By: Jack Keating, The Province, PostMedia News Kimberly Noyes, who killed her 12-year-old autistic neighbour because she thought the boy’s death would allow for the second coming of Christ, has been ordered held. The Review Board made the decision last week regarding Noyes, who at her B.C. Supreme Court trial in July was found...

U.S. Soldier describes shooting Afghan civilians contested tapes

One of five soldiers accused by the Army of involvement in the premeditated killings of Afghan civilians is scheduled to appear before a military judge today — on the same day ABC News aired tapes that show his confession to investigators about his own involvement and the involvement of several other soldiers in the slayings. In...

Selkirk faculty awarded for professional excellence

Selkirk College’s Standing Committee on Professional Excellence (SCOPE) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2009/2010 awards for its faculty. The purpose of the SCOPE awards is to recognize and promote both long-term and innovative professional excellence. Faculty and staff are nominated for the awards by students ...

Bhutan at the UN: happiness should be a millennium development goal

By Sonam Ongmo in Global VoicesStarting Monday, world leaders descended on New York to attend the annual General Assembly.But shy of 5 years from the deadline of achieving the UN Millennium Development Goals it was sad to see countries still mired in differences and using the platform to make jabs at each other...

Help celebrate small business week!

Contributions made by small to medium businesses positively affect the the economy of the Boundary area. In order to recognize all the contributions these businesses make to our region, Community Futures Boundary (CFB) is hosting an open house during small business week.   The annual Open House and Business Awards Ceremony ...

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