

Annual Boltz run for cancer shared Kettle River day with fun for the entire family in Midway

‘A great day for a run,’ was the resounding sentiment from participants of the second Annual John Boltz Memorial Run. The weather not only cooperated, but provided optimal conditions: heat not being excessive and mixed clouds giving shady breaks to Midway’s morning sun.   Organizer of the event, Stephanie Boltz, said the run...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

E-course provides ways to deal with workplace stress

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has developed a new e-course to provide workers, supervisors and managers with tools needed to prevent, eliminate and reduce workplace stress.“Work stress has a high cost for individuals, organizations, and for society. It can harm workers' psychological and...

Cosmic Quirk: Behold the Hoffsicle, the David Hasselhoff popsicle

In the desire to bring you, our readers, more than just the usual news, The Boundary Sentinel is pleased to introduce the Cosmic Quirk where we find something fun and unusual for you all!Just in time for National Ice Cream Month, Del Monte Iced Refreshments has inexplicably launched a popsicle in the likeness of former Baywatch...

Face-off for the provincial seat - candidates for NDP nomination debate

Fresh off the federal elections in May, with municipal elections set for November, political pundits anticipate that the provincial government will call their election sometime in the coming months. Taking steps to prepare for the eventual call to the polls, the Boundary-Similkameen New Democratic Party (NDP) Constituency...

Selkirk construction class graduates

Fresh from their morning finals, the 2011 grads from Selkirk College’s Foundation Level Carpentry course were eager to laugh and relax. They celebrated with a barbeque in the afternoon of Sunday, Jun. 26 at City Park.   According to Cara-Lee Melange, Continuing Education Coordinator, “This very successful program could not ...

A celebration to remember on Canada Day

Who can say what the best part of this Canada Day was?   I’ll go out on a limb and suggest the administration, because everything seemed to go perfectly according to plan.   There were so many unique draws to downtown Grand Forks that at times it seemed the entire city was out enjoying the festivities.   The Elks Breakfast ...

Happy Birthday Canada - what are your plans?

What are you doing for Canada Day? Hiking Observation Mountain? Eating birthday cake at Gyro Park? Taking in the vintage faire in Rock Creek or perhaps the rodeo is more your speed? No matter how you celebrate the day, this weekend holds a lot in store across the Boundary.  The Sentinel is pleased to give readers the calendar...

GFSS Class of 2011 embarks on their next journey

The graduating class of Grand Forks Senior Secondary school was sent off in style at the commencement ceremonies last Saturday.  The class paraded into the Grand Forks Arena to formally receive their certificates and the final farewell from teachers, parents, and valedictorians before heading off to the dry grad party at the...

New York legalizes same-sex marriage

The New York State Legislature passed a bill Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state. It was signed into law by Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo. New York now becomes the sixth and largest U.S. state with legalized same-sex marriage. The practice is legal in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire,...

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