

Emergency shelter already seeing use as third year starts

It’s been 16 days since the Boundary Extreme Weather Shelter opened for the season and there’s already a regular clientele coming in. The shelter, which is located in the Grand Forks Christian Centre and is operated by the Boundary Emergency and Transition Housing Society (BETHS), opened the doors for the third year on Thursday,...

Take part in provincial consultations on the Columbia River Treaty

Residents will have another chance to talk to the Province about the future of the Columbia River Treaty in November. The Columbia River Treaty (CRT) Local Governments’ Committee encourages Basin residents to attend the consultation workshop in Trail on Wednesday, November 28. Workshops are also being held in Jaffray, Valemount,...

Wine gala set to please with an artful ambience

You’re in for an engaging evening, a masterpiece, as a stunning century old structure will be the canvas for an ARTful christmas event. The board and staff of gallery 2 are excited about the evening of Nov. 24, the night of their largest yearly fundraiser and the 21st Annual Wine Tasting.  The pre-Christmas affair will be...

NaNoWriMo... confused? Read on...

Since November 1 you may have been hearing furious keyboard pounding echoing around the world. Fear not, it is the sound of more than 250,000 people beginning a literary challenge of epic proportions: 30 days, 50,000 words, and one original novel. Why? Because November is National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, the world’s...

Deb Billwiller of Grand Forks to be awarded Diamond Jubilee Medal

Very few people truly exemplify the meaning of volunteerism above self as much as Boundary Food Bank Society volunteer Deb Billwiller does. The modest and energetic woman has made herself well-known in these parts through her dedication to those who are less fortunate. It was because of her selfless devotion to the Boundary...

Hundreds gather to honour Remembrance Day in Grand Forks

More than 300 people from Grand Forks and Christina Lake gathered to honour Remembrance Day at the Grand Forks City Hall cenotaph today. Despite the chilly temperatures -- The Rotary Club of Grand Forks helped alleviate the shivers with some hot chocolate -- the ceremony went off without a hitch and included a fly by of a...

Metis jigger Beverly Lambert visits the Boundary

Young and old from across the Boundary got jiggy with BC Metis Federation Cultural Ambassador Beverly Lambert during her visit here in late October. Lambert visited many of our local schools as part of the Aboriginal Education program where she demonstarted traditional jigging, Metis music and culture. She was also a guest ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Can I send you a few million dollars?

Hi Grand Folks! Once again, I need your help. This time, it’s a much more serious issue. I have 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million) U.S. Dollars and I want you to assist me in distributing the money to charity organizations. I agree to reward you with part of the money for your assistance, kindness and participation in this...

COMMENT: Blind mercy

Just out of Jericho, Bartimaeus sits by the road. Hearing Jesus and the crowd he cries, “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. ”Many in the crowd tell him to shut up, but he raises his voice and Jesus, standing still, says: “Call him here.” Changing their tone, the voices in the crowd tell Bartimaeus to “Take heart; get up,...

Retirement seems to suit Lynne Burch after 25 years of service

Well-wishers, colleagues and family came out to send long-time city employee Lynne Burch off to retirement in style last Friday. Stepping down from her position as chief administrative officer for the City of Grand Forks, Burch was obviously happy to be shifting into a life of leisure, beaming as she received gifts, cards, ...

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