

RDCK chair says talk of nuclear waste coming to Salmo 'completely nuts'

The sign welcoming visitors to Salmo reads, “Welcome to Salmo, Home of the Stone Murals.” Regional District of Central Kootenay director Hans Cunningham certainly doesn’t want to see the sign changed to read, “Salmo, Home of Nuclear Waste Dump” anytime soon. The RDCK Area D director was responding to a question during a recent...

Selkirk College Resort & Hotel Management Program Get Introduction to Fairmont Hotels

As students in the Selkirk College Resort & Hotel Management (RHOT), Hospitality and Professional Cooking programs dove into their second month of studies, a visit by the head of Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise helped provide additional incentive to make good use of their time learning about the industry. Nestled in one of...

Council candidate David Grantham, in his own words

My name is David Grantham and I am running for Castlegar City Council. I personally would like to challenge the City of Trail to stand up and do what is right for the entire region and all their brothers, sisters, and friends in neighbouring communities, and to agree to the fact that we all know to be true, "We need a new...

Council candidate Bruno Tassone, in his own words

While I’m proud of the city we live in, I think we can sharpen it up a little bit. I’m an advocate to restore health care services in this town, including ambulance service and our hospital hours. We need to take a more active role in lobbying the government, and getting them to realize the benefit of the crossroads of the ...

Multi-Use trail officially opens

VIDEO: Official opening of new, multi-use trails....

Get ready to be "Freaked" at annual ball/fundraiser

Get your costumes ready for a ghoulishly fun time at the annual Freaker’s Ball! This local tradition is a fund raising dance renowned as the best Halloween party in town. Part of the fun at the Freaker’s is the chance to win great prizes for creative costumes, enjoy snacks throughout the night, and, of course, dancing the...


Roger Ebert was the first journalist to win a Pulitzer Prize for criticism, a pondering point for the annoying horde of much lesser critics.  Employing Ebert’s best-selling memoir of the same name as a template, Steve James (Hoop Dreams) directed the film that recounts the inspiring and entertaining life of the film critic ...

Council candidate Kere MacGregor, in his own words

Having lived and worked in Castlegar for the last 20 years, I am humbled at the opportunity to run for Castlegar City Councillor.  This amazing community has provided me with an incredible place to raise my family, operate our businesses, work at a job that is meaningful, vigorously participate in the vast recreational...

Province deliberating on Jumbo compliance decision

The future of the Jumbo Valley is currently in limbo, as the provincial Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) recently found the project to be in non-compliance with several conditions of its environmental assessment certificate, which expired earlier this week on (Sunday) October 12 – and some are questioning whether...

BCRCC supports small business & small business week

As B.C. marks Small Business Week (Oct. 20 – 24), the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce is celebrating the vital role small businesses play in the Boundary Country. “Small businesses make up a major part of the Boundary’s business community and play a critical role in driving our local economy and creating jobs,”...

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