

Salmon farming industry refuses to cooperate with provincial reporting stragegies

The B.C salmon farm industry's decision to not co-operate with provincial reporting strategies has rendered government officials impotent and incapable of regulating the notoriously secretive industry, environmental groups Ecojustice and T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation said today.As of April 1, 2010, salmon farms have...

KEEPING IT REAL: Inquiry into missing women wastes millions

 Vancouver Police got it wrong in the beginning-- and they’re getting it wrong again at the end. The department has jumped on the politically correct bandwagon and supported calls for a public inquiry into what went wrong in the case of the 26 missing women, who are believed to have died at the hands of  Robert Pickton, already...

BC Green Party says cancel consideration of the Northern Gateway Enbridge pipelines

"BC Greens oppose the Enbridge  pipelines between the Alberta Tar Sands and Kitimat. The Michigan  spill proves that Enbridge has misled the public on the general safety  of pipelines and on its own record of spills," said Green Party of BC  Leader Jane Sterk."It seems that it is only after a disaster happens that the...

ATAMANENKO: Canada-Eu Free Trade Agreement: what is at stake?

Canada and the European Union are currently negotiating a new free trade agreement called the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). According to a detailed report prepared by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) Negotiating from Weakness, if CETA is implemented as currently written, Canada’s progressive...

CTV Back at CRTC: Is it Begging or Blackmail?

Any cop, lawyer, judge or prosecutor knows that when you give in to blackmail, it’s not the end of the shakedown. Not by any means! Too bad the Canadian Radio Television and Telecommunications Commission never learned that lesson.It’s only a few months ago that the CRTC caved in to the demands of Canada’s private television...

DOBBIN: Another political season is over

As you may have noticed I haven’t been blogging much over the last couple of weeks. (Largely this is because I have been immersed in fighting the privatization of the local sewage treatment system). But in part it is the result of having some doubts about what the point is. I often say to people that the left – whatever that...

Fire season underway in Southeast Fire Centre

To date the Southeast Fire Centre has had 44 fires, which have burned 75 hectares. Of these 44 fires, 31 were person caused and the rest were caused by lightning. A few fires of note this season include: the 39 hectare fire that occurred on April 26 in the Lake Enid area (west of Wilmer), the 13.5 hectare fire in Wardner on...

DOBBIN: Harper's G20 victory is to shrink Canada

 Is the world, including Canada, headed for the third great depression, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argues? Watching the results of the G8/G20 meetings was like hearing news that a giant comet is heading for earth and we are just waiting for impact. Those meetings of the world's largest and/or growing...

Ambulance Cuts and a Cowboy’s Death

 It was bound to happen.  And it has.Serious questions have arisen about whether B.C. ambulance service cuts contributed to the death of a bull rider at a rodeo Friday.  And they must be answered.Makwala Derickson-Hall was severely injured when he was bucked and then trampled by a rodeo bull  at the Valemount Rodeo. He was ...

Mental illness cited as reason for not-guilty plea in Grand Forks murder trial

Kimberly Noyes pled not guilty in court today as the trial of the murder of 12-year-old John Fulton got underway in Rossland, B.C. In the first day of what is slated as a three week trial, both the prosecution and defense attorneys agree that the central issue for the court to determine is the mental state of Kimberly Noyes,...

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