

MLA shares opportunities for residents to engage

Dear Constituents, This fall the citizens of Kootenay West have the ability to participate in a number of public consultations and services. I wanted to make sure that all of these opportunities were highlighted to have as much participation as possible from our region. Each fall, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and...

Woman charged after Castlegar man killed in fatal accident

A Castlegar man was killed Wednesday morning in Edmonton, after being struck by a truck just before 2 a.m. Global News is reporting that a Dodge Dakota truck was heading north from 23 Avenue down the ramp to Gateway Boulevard when it hit a pedestrian near the end of the ramp. Twenty-five-year-old Brandon (Brando) Robertson ...

Local governments 'fragmented', need control: Report

The relationship between local governments and the provincial government reached a new low this week, said RDCK area D director Andy Shadrack, when a provincial review on government wages was leaked to the public.   The report prepared by Ernst and Young claimed that salaries and wages in local government are now higher than...

Issues arise with after-school care at Robson Community School

Although back-to-school schedules have not yet been confirmed, logistical difficulties are already arising, in this case regarding after-school care for Robson Community School students. Resident/parent Mark Jennings penned the following email to local school board trustees and media this morning: "Dear Castlegar/Robson...

SD20 schools to be back in session Monday

Dear parents and guardians: Thank you for your patience while we solidified our plans for the reopening of schools for students.  These plans are based on an assumption that both the BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF) and the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) ratify the tentative agreement reached earlier this...

Annual Mir Centre for Peace Series Takes On Important Issues

Bringing important peace and social justice issues to the forefront in the region, the Selkirk College Mir Centre for Peace has embarked on a new season of lectures and peace cafés. Since 2007, the Mir Lecture Series and Mir Peace Cafés have brought a diverse selection of local and international speakers to the West...

Cops find grow op on Crown land

An illegal marijuana grow has been found and dismantled by police, according to RCMP Cpl. Darryl Orr. Orr said that on Sept.17, police followed up on a tip and discovered 77 marijuana plants with a street value of roughly $10,000, in a remote location about a kilometre off the Rialto Forest Service Road (which is about 10km...

Nelson's Wayne Naka excited to take on challenge of 55-plus BC Games

Coaching in the Western Hockey League, Wayne Naka truly experienced the meaning of pressure. Those skills were definitely an asset after the Nelson native left the rigors of Tier I hockey for a principal position in the Kootenay-Columbia School District 20. However, the 59-year-old instructor will need to bottle up every bit...

No danger to public during prisoner escape Monday at Nelson Courthouse

A communications specialist with the Ministry of Justice/Attorney General said the public was not in any danger during a prisoner break Monday at the Nelson Courthouse. Lauren Mulholland, Communications Manager at the Ministry of Justice/Attorney General told The Nelson Daily Tuesday that “minimal force” was needed to apprehend...

UPDATED: Tentative deal reached in BC public teachers' strike confirms mediator Vince Ready

L.V. Rogers High School students can put a hold on a proposed "sit-in" to protest the BC public teachers' strike after mediator Vince Ready confirmed Tuesday morning a tentative deal has been reached in the months-long labour dispute. News sources in Vancouver said the breakthrough in bargaing between the two sides locked in...

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