

Robusters shift to different winning approach

This season, the Kootenay Robusters decided to try a different strategy for their paddling season - one that should be especially helpful to new recruits, and enjoyable for experienced team members as well. Two early season festivals were planned, the first in Lethbridge at the end of June and the second at the end of July ...

Selkirk College Puts Out Call for Homestays

A surge in international students coming to the West Kootenay to study English at Selkirk College has opened up further opportunities for local families to experience a cultural exchange close to home. Starting in late-August, the Selkirk College English Language Program will immerse more than 100 international students in ...

18 vehicles impounded over four days due to extreme, reckless speeding

Extreme speed is becoming an increasingly prevalent - and dangerous - issue on Kootenay highways, according to RCMP Sgt. John Ferguson. “On the August long weekend, the WKTS/ Nelson Integrated Road Safety Unit impounded seven vehicles for travelling in excess of 40 km/hr an hour over the posted speed limit,” Feguson said.” ...

Castlegar Selkirk student earns prestigious title of UBC Chancellor Scholar

 Fraser Sutherland entered Selkirk College with an open mind to the meanderings of her post-secondary interests, confident the School of University Arts & Sciences would point her in the right direction. “If you are not sure what you want to do or where you want to go, Selkirk provides that opportunity to explore,” says...

LETTER: Canadian election system fundamentally undemocratic

What good can come of an election, where a fraudulent, discriminatory disconnection exists between the Canadian voter, and those who Rule? Canada, and its working class, at this moment are held in a death grip by traitorous political powers. Powers, which cannot be seen to be serving the interests of Canada’s popular majority,...

Trail and Beaver Valley reach recreation deal

The City of Trail and Beaver Valley (Fruitvale, Montrose and Area ‘A’) are pleased to announce they have successfully negotiated and approved a one-year recreation agreement that will take effect on September 1, 2015.  Beaver Valley will contribute $125,000 for the one-year term which will allow their residents to use Trail...

Local CUPW president says Canada Post changes coming to Nelson in 2016

Nelson Posties have received word they are the latest local to get their walking papers as part of changes of operations announced by Canada Post. Local Canadian Union of Postal Workers president, Brenda Musoby-Yanke said in a media release Canada post made an announcement Wednesday to workers of the Nelson Post Office postal...

Electricity rates to go up next week

Electricity rates are set to increase next month, according to a press release issued by FortisBC this afternoon.The release reads as follows: FortisBC has completed its annual rates review with the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) and has received approval from the BCUC for a 1.6 per cent increase effective August 1, 2015. The...

Crime wave in Trail frustrating police

Police in Trail are dealing with a rash of property crimes in the Waneta/Beaver Falls/Fruitvale area, according to RCMP Sgt. Darren Oelke. Oelke provided a veritable laundry list of crimes throughout July. “The thefts and break-ins appear to be occurring during the overnight hours,” he said. “Police are urging the public to...

Phone scammers escalating to abusive language and threats

The local RCMP detachment is getting flooded with calls from people who have had threating and abusive calls from people claiming to work for the Canada Revenue Agency, according to Castlegar's Sgt. Laurel Mathew. The callers start out by telling their targets that there was a problem with their tax return, so they need to ...

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