

Castlegar gets rare parking meters that will make people happy

Castlegar, like its neighbours Trail and Nelson, is getting downtown parking meters – but with an awesome twist. No, you’re still not going to have to pay for parking, according to food bank coordinator Deb McIntosh. “The Castlegar Source posted a photo showing another community doing Kindness Meters, and we loved the idea,”...

Robusters Featured in Documentary

Early this year the Kootenay Robusters were invited by producer Vanessa Ratjen to take part in a documentary film about  'women who rip'. The team found this quite an intriguing idea. Although we think of ourselves that way, we were surprised anyone else did.   At the end of May, a film crew arrived and spent three days...

Clothing/housewares drive for victims of Rock Creek fire

Castlegar city council agreed, at its regular meeting Monday night, to allow fundraising posters throughout the city for a relief effort for people impacted by the Rock Creek fire (the Unmet Needs Committee). The city has already provided $5,000 to help, but agreed to go this extra step to pitch in. Bonnie Johnston approached...

Selkirk College Students Host Fifth Annual SROAMazing Race in Nelson

It's a race through Nelson that always has shopper's heads turning. The Selkirk College Ski Resort Operations & Management Program is back to host the fifth annual 2016 SROAMazing Race starting at the Nelson District Youth Centre. SROAMazing Race, set for Saturday, October 17 in beautiful downtown Nelson, is open to all...

Trail and Castlegar take top honours with International Communities in Bloom

Both Trail and Castlegar made excellent showings in their respective categories in the International Communities in Bloom (CiB) competition this year. “To have two communities within 25 miles of each other win internationally is great,” said Darlene Kalawsky, who not only heads up the Castlegar CiB, but is also chair of the...

Interior Health Board announces Mazurkewich as new CEO

Interior Health announced Tuesday that Chris Mazurkewich has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer for Interior Health, effective October 26. Erwin Malzer, Chair of the Interior Health Board of Directors, made the announcement in a media release.   “With a wealth of Canadian health system experience, a broad ...

Working Smoke Alarms a priority during Fire Prevention Week

The stats don't lie. The Fire Chiefs Association of BC says the chance of a fatality rises 74 percent when a working smoke alarm is not present. Members of the Nelson Fire Department are doing their best to combat the loss of life during Fire Prevention Week. “In a fire, seconds count,” said Fire Chief Len MacCharles. “Half...

B.C. mayors council calls on federal candidates to speak to climate change

The B.C. Mayors Climate Leadership Council (BCMCLC) is calling for B.C.-based Federal Parliamentary Candidates to outline how they and their parties will respond to the challenge of climate change and the need for energy conservation and greenhouse gas reduction. Communities across BC are experiencing climate change impacts...

Pass Creek Fall Fair 2015 a screaming success (with photo gallery)

The Pass Creek Fall Fair enjoyed a record-breaking two days last weekend, with as many as 4,000 people passing through the gates, including volunteers, vendors and horse-show participants, etc. As many as 150 volunteers pitched in to make this year, the event’s 20th anniversary, the best one yet, said exhibition society...

LETTERS: Have Canadian voters learned nothing?

Dear Editor, Canadians can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel in this extended election period but, incredibly, the polls show that there is a slight chance   the most brazenly corrupt government in Canadian history could be returned to power instead of obliterated off the political map. A government that attacked...

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