

BUSINESS FEATURE: Trail entrepreneur gets creative and branches out

A Trail entrepreneur is getting creative and diversifying to ensure her company’s success and keep her little part of the city’s downtown thriving. Lorraine Johnston opened the clothing store Sonsie on Cedar Avenue on May 9of this year, selling new and consignment plus-sized clothing, as well as purses, accessories, shoes, ...

Snowfall warning prompts YRB to urge careful driving of mountain highways

People driving the mountain highways in the Kootenays should be aware of snowfall warning Monday night said Marc Dale of Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ltd. Dale said temperatures will drop throughout the night and the region will experience strong winds and blowing snow.   "Accumulations in the valley will range from 4 -10 cm...

Civic Theatre hosts: Where the Ocean meets the Rainforest - Exploring Canada's Great Bear Rainforest with Ian McAllister

The Civic Theatre in Nelson is hosting a wildlife star this weekend, as Ian McAllister presents a mutli-media presentation detailing decades of wildlife research. The event is on Nov. 14 at 4 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults and $6 fr seniors and students. A thousand uninhabited islands, the world’s largest extent of temperate...

Salmo officer charged with theft

A police officer from the Salmo detachment has been charged in relation to alleged improper handling and disposition of exhibits at the detachment, according to RCMP Staff Sgt. Rob Vermeulen. He said Const. Dave Dyball has been charged with Theft Under $5,000. "He will be making his first court appearance Nov. 17 at Nelson ...

Provincial government kicks in $18.9 million investment into new training facilities at Selkirk College

The machine shop at Selkirk’s Silver King campus was packed today as the board announced an $18.9 million investment into new training facilities. Selkirk College president Angus Graeme was grinning ear to ear as he took to the podium and addressed the buzzing crowd of students, teachers and board members. “We don’t normally...

UPDATED: Environment Canada continues Special Weather Statement; up to 30 cm expected on Kootenay Pass

While Environment Canada continues its Special Weather Statement for the Southern Interior, Marc Dale Operations Manager for the Yellowhead Road & Bridge Ltd. Southeast Kootenay Division said drivers of the Kootenay Pass should brace for 20-30 cm of heavy wet snow above 800 meters and snow levels rising overnight to 1500...

West Kootenay EcoSociety loses bid to overturn Jumbo City

Fake town, with no residents . . . no problem BC Supreme Court judge Madam Justice Choi ruled Tuesday in Nelson. "It is obvious that the fake town is terrible and while we understand the judge's ruling, we disagree with it," said David Reid, Executive Director of West Kootenay EcoSociety. Reid said the West Kootenay EcoSociety...

Spellbinding storytelling on tap for Trail

Calling all storytellers and Vinyl Café fans-- Trail’s version of New York City’s ’The Moth’ returns to The Griff at The Bailey Theatre Friday November 20th at 7:30pm. ‘Little Moths’ is based on ‘The Moth’ in New York City where people gather (standing room only) to hear raconteurs and novice storytellers tell true stories ...

Market analysis a critical next step in better air service for Castlegar

A recent survey sent out to regional businesses by Vancouver-based consultancy Operations Economics Inc.  via the Chamber of Commerce asking detailed questions about business use of local flights and airport services seems to be causing some confusion among residents as to what the city hopes to gain in the process. The...

Castlegar Remembers; 2015 ceremonies

Local Remembrance Day events are set for tomorrow, and absolutely everyone is encouraged to attend and participate. Bob Brommeland, treasurer with the Castlegar/Robson Branch 170 of the Royal Canadian Legion, said everyone will muster at 10:30 a.m. in front of West’s department store on 6 Avenue. “We’ll march to the Cenotaph...

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