

Residents asked to weigh in on local economic development

A new economic development initiative has Castlegar and area residents completing an online survey outlining their priorities and needs in terms of retail and service businesses in our area. Mark Laver was hired on as Economic Development Manager two months ago in a joint venture between the City of Castlegar, CBT and RDCK ...

Column: 'From the Hill' -- BC's natural resources

In mid-January I attended the British Columbia Natural Resources Forum in Prince George.  This is one of the biggest gatherings of resource companies, government leaders and nongovernment organizations in Canada, and is always a good place to hear the latest news from that sector. I was happy to see federal Natural Resources...

No one injured in bus crash

Two passengers and a bus driver walked away from an MVI involving a BC Transit bus Saturday morning, according to Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. "I was en route to another call when I came across that incident, it had happened moments before," Lattanzio said, adding he continued on to the the original call and had Deputy Fire Chief...

Selkirk College Bursaries Signal Relief for Those Pursuing Dreams

When Emmett Deuling received confirmation of acceptance into the Selkirk College Nursing Program, there was elation knowing he was moving closer to his dream of a career in health care. The next emotion Deuling felt was anxiety, knowing that four years of education was going to be a costly venture. Throwing himself into student...

Dam City Rollers host Spokane's Lilac City Roller Derby team

'Work hard, play hard' is the motto for many sports enthusiasts, and women who play roller derby are no exception. Castlegar’s Dam City Rollers’ hard work will be on display Feb. 3 when they take on Spokane’s Lilac City Roller Derby team at Selkirk College Gym in Castlegar. Doors open at 6 p.m. with the first whistle at 7...

Castlegar's own Lisa Nicole to perform in Trail as part of release tour

Award-winning Canadian country music artist and Castlegar native Lisa Nicole is excited to announce the release of Mad About It to Canadian radio along with an accompanying music video in conjunction with a tour that will take her from the Canadian Kootenays all the way to Nashville. Mad About It– co-written by Lisa Nicole ...

Five-vehicles involved in MVIs causing highway closure near Genelle

Two related MVIs involving five vehicles closed Hwy 22 between Castlegar and Trail this morning, according to Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. He said the call came in at roughly 7:19 a.m., and nine firefighters responded to an area near Pipeline Pitt Road (just north of Genelle). The original crash involved three vehicles, he said,...

UPDATED: Police confirm Needles deaths were murder/suicide

The RCMP Southeast District Major Crimes Unit and the Nakusp RCMP are continuing their investigation into the deaths of two Needles, BC men. RCMP investigative efforts are continuing, into the Dec, 18, 2017 shooting deaths of the 83-year-old man and that of the 58-year-old man, which occurred at two neighbouring properties....

Jaws of Life and rope rescue required after roll-over

Castlegar and Ootischenia fire departments responded to a single-vehicle rollover Tuesday, according to Castlegar Fire Chief Sam Lattanzio. He said the call came in at 3:50 p.m., and crews, along with RCMP and BCAS, attended Hwy 3 about five kilometres west of the city, near Merry Creek Forest Service Road. “The vehicle had...

Name of burned body released by RCMP

The RCMP Southeast District Major Crime Unit has confirmed the identity of the remains found in the trunk of a burnt out vehicle left abandoned and ablaze on Hwy 22 on Jan.14. Following the completion of a forensic examination of the remains found in a vehicle near Trail, the RCMP Southeast District Major Crime Unit and Trail...

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