

Nobel Peace laureates call on Harper to stop tar sands expansion

Eight Nobel Peace Laureates today sent a letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper calling on him to ensure that Canada moves towards a clean energy future—and halts the expansion of the tar sands. In their letter, the Laureates—which include Archbishop Desmond Tutu (South Africa), Jody Williams (USA), President Ramos Horta...

Where is Henry Ford when you need him?

You may remember Henry — the ruthless industrialist who nonetheless refused to be hobbled by suicidal ideology when it came to doing business. He realized as his workers cranked thousands of new cars off the assembly line that none of those workers would likely ever own one, because he didn’t pay them enough. So he dramatically...

Can the NDP thrive after Jack? And save the country?

Canadians who maintain the dream of a more equal, democratic and civilized society may no longer be reeling from the death of Jack Layton. But they are surely stuck in a kind of political limbo, trying not to think of the damage Stephen Harper can do whenever he wants, as they try to imagine how this catastrophic situation ...

LETTER: Canuck coal power a step backward

Dear editor,A concern for all Canadians which you may want to pass on to your readers. Please help stop this travesty.Federal Environment Minister Peter Kent just announced new rules for coal power that he claims will reduce pollution. But there’s a huge problem: he left a loophole big enough to drive a 500MW coal plant...

ATAMANENKO: Genetically Engineered Salmon, not worth the risk to health or the environment

Aquabounty Technologies (AT), headquartered in the US, has genetically modified (GM) a faster growing Atlantic salmon by inserting a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon and genetic material from the eel-like ocean pout. The company’s business plan is to produce genetically modified salmon eggs in Prince Edward Island...

E-course provides ways to deal with workplace stress

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has developed a new e-course to provide workers, supervisors and managers with tools needed to prevent, eliminate and reduce workplace stress.“Work stress has a high cost for individuals, organizations, and for society. It can harm workers' psychological and...

Canadian housing starts down from same time last year

Canadian housing starts are down from last year's levels and lower than March, but starts in B.C. are up, said Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The seasonally adjusted annual rate of housing starts was 179,000 units in April, according to CMHC. This is down from 184,700 units in March 2011.“Housing starts moved...

OP/ED: Tax plans for 2011 hit B.C. hard

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today released its annual New Year tax change calculations which provide projected personal income and payroll tax changes taking effect Jan. 1, 2011.The CTF calculated the changes for a variety of income and family scenarios while adjusting 2011 income levels for inflation. Click Here...

Canadians reinvent themselves with 'branding' for career changes

A growing number of Canadians are developing their own personal "brands" as part of a trend toward taking greater control over their careers, including steps to help differentiate themselves in a fast-changing workplace, according to the latest survey results from workforce solutions leader Kelly Services.  The findings are...

Indigo’s “For the Love of Indigo” school library fundraising campaign

Did you know that parents want their children to have access to well-stocked libraries in their schools? Were you aware that they’re very concerned that provincial governments aren’t doing enough to ensure that there’s enough money to pay for these books and libraries? Or that increasingly teachers have to dig into their own...

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