

Column: From the Hill

Earlier this month I helped out at the Salvation Army Christmas hamper distribution event.  It felt good to play a small part in making hundreds of people have a happier Christmas—healthy food, toys for the kids.  It was especially nice to see boxes of local fruits and vegetables on their way to homes that have a tough time...

Letter: A decision for all British Columbians

To The Editor: In response to 'From the Leg:' by Linda Larson published on December 11th: In BC we use an electoral system called 'First Past The Post' (FPTP), a system that most of the developed world has abandoned due to a number of issues — a notable one being 'the spoiler effect' which causes many people to not vote for...

Awareness campaign builds in Grand Forks

In January 2018, Grand Forks residents will be asked to join a national awareness campaign to challenge public perceptions of what it means to live with dementia. January is national Alzheimer Awareness Month. The 2018 campaign aims to convert judgment into compassion and assumptions into understanding so that people with...

Province Extends Groundwater Licence Application Fee Waiver period

There some good news for water users in the Boundary region said the Kettle River Watershed Authority after the province announced an extension of Groundwater Licence Application Fee Waiver period. BCs New Water Sustainability Act regulations came into effect in February 2016. The Act stipulates that all non-domestic groundwater...

Major accident closes Highway 3 near Midway

Investigators with the Boundary RCMP and West Kootenay Traffic Services attended a fatal collision on Highway 3 near Midway, on Tuesday morning. Boundary RCMP and West Kootenay Traffic Services are investigating the cause of a fatal accident Tuesday morning on Highway 3 near Midway. In a medial release, Boundary RCMP received...

Christmas in City Park

There's nothing like a few Christmas lights to brighten anyone's spirit. Down at City Park, Christmas lights light up the night sky for everyone to enjoy. Check it out, if you get a chance....

From The Leg: Bills with tax implications, Daylight Savings Time

As we work our way through a long fall session at the legislature, we continue to hold the NDP/Green Coalition's "feet to the fire" on legislation that will have an economic impact on the provincial economy — Bill 2 and Bill 3 both have tax implications that will affect everyone. The bill that raises the greatest concerns for...

Grand Forks now officialy has a Dog Park

Grand Forks officially opened its dog park last week when with a ribbon cutting. The park is located directly behind Evergreen Cemetery in Grand Forks. This is a small dog park, off the beaten path in a residential area and behind the cemetery. There are poo bags and a picnic table....

Credit Unions join together to offer VirtualWealth

Until recently, investors could work with an advisor or they could self-manage their own investments. Now there’s another option: robo-advice (or digital advice). In partnership with Qtrade Financial Group, EKC, Nelson and District Credit and Grand Forks credit unions are offering VirtualWealth to its members. VirtualWealth...

Missing dog reunited with owner — Police

The Grand Forks RCMP is pleased to announce the missing dog found Friday, December 1, has now been reunited with its owner. RCMP would like to thank everyone who assisted in this find. Anyone missing a dog? On December 1st, 2017 the Grand Forks RCMP requested that Animal Control seize a dog from the field near the 9700 block...

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