

Rivers in the Boundary expected to reach highest levels since 1948

Forecasts for precipitation and warm temperatures combined with a rush of snowpack at high elevations will hasten snowmelt in the coming days forcing the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary to increase the number of Evacuation Orders in the Boundary region. In a media release Wednesday, the RDKB said rivers in the Boundary...

UPDATED: Rural Grand Forks Declares State of Local Emergency

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Electoral Area D/Rural Grand Forks has declared a local state of emergency due to ongoing flooding in the Manly Meadows area and other areas in rural Grand Forks. The RDKB said in a media release Tuesday evening, the State of Local Emergency will remain in place for seven days. "A...

Anyone missing a snowmobile?

Grand Forks RCMP report that on May 4th, 2018, a concerned citizen located an abandoned snowmobile near the 24 Mile pullout on Highway 3 at the Paulson Summit.   RCMP said the citizen then turned the snowmobile over to police.   Anyone who has information relating to the ownership of the snowmobile or who are able to identify...

Localized flooding in the Boundary prompts RDKB to raise status to Level 2

The RDKB Emergency Operations Centre in Grand Forks raised its status to Level 2 Sunday in response to rising river levels across the Boundary, and a forecast of increasing levels through to the end of the week. In a media release, the RDKB said high waters have resulted in localized flooding adjacent to the Kettle River,...

The Boundary Invasive Species Society nets grant to fight spread of invasive plants

The Boundary Invasive Species Society is getting a nice sum to help spread of invasive plants in the region following a Government of British Columbia announcement Wednesday. The Government of British Columbia is providing $1,134,500 in grants to help manage the spread of invasive plants in the Kootenay and Columbia Shuswap...

COLUMN: From the Hill -- Canada far behind Europe

Julie Gelfand, the federal Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, released a report entitled Perspectives on Climate Change Action in Canada at the end of March. Canada has a pretty dismal track record when it comes to meeting its climate action commitments.  We’ve already missed two targets—Rio in 2000...

Cannabis consumption geographical restrictions left out of Zoning Bylaw

The city won’t be determining where cannabis can be smoked in public before it heads to a public meeting on the Zoning Bylaw for regulating legalized cannabis, despite the urging of one councilor. Coun. Beverley Tripp asked Grand Forks city council to consider where cannabis could be consumed in public and to write it into ...

Grand Forks Emergency Operations Centre to Level 1

In a media release Friday, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said its Emergency Operations Centre in Grand Forks is now activated to Level 1. The release said RDKB staff and municipal partners met at the EOC in Grand Forks on April 25 to make sure local government is prepared to respond to possible flooding in the ...

RDKB issues Precautionary Boil Water Notice for Christina Lake Utility

As a precautionary measure, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary has issued a boil water notice beginning Thursday (April 26, 2018) for all users of Christina Lake Water Utility until further notice. The RDKB said the reason is due to positive water sample from the water system. "Water users in this area are advised to...

From The Hill: Questions needed answers before approving Trans Mountain Pipeline

The Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline has dominated news in the past few weeks.  The public is divided over whether we should build this pipeline and allow Alberta oil sands output to increase, or whether it presents too much risk to BC’s rivers and coastal environments. Many experts described the original project approval ...

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