

RDKB says subdued snowmelt means steady freshet for coming days

In a media release Friday, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) said Boundary residents will see river levels rise on (Friday) May 1 by midnight, then drop slightly after the weekend and start to rise again next week as temperatures again increase. “With a trend toward cooler seasonal ...

The watch begins as higher flows expected in Kettle River system through the weekend

In a media release Thursday, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said the watch continues of rivers as they move toward peak flows anywhere from seven to ten days from now, depending upon weather. The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is activated to Level 2, with a Freshet Advanced Planning Team dedicated fulltime to...

Boundary Region COVID-19 Update

People in the Boundary Region continue get top marks in the fight to flatten the curve as the world continues to deal with Coronavirus COVID-19. Thursday saw 25 new cases reported in the province, for a total of 2,112 cases in British Columbia — 170 are in the Interior Health region. Regional District of Kootenay Boundary...

RDKB advises residents to stay well clear of rising waters as snow melt accelerates rivers

In a media release, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Emergency Operations Centre said staff are continuing to track river and creek levels daily from Big White to Champion Lakes as snowmelt accelerates with warmer weather and rain. The RDKB said forecasts peg the regional snowpack is currently at 122% of normal....

Boundary Region COVID-19 Update

People all over the globe are doing their best to flatten the curve as the world continues to deal with Coronavirus COVID-19. BC saw a spike in the numbers Wednesday, as 71 more COVID-19 cases were confirmed raising the total in BC at 1,795 cases in British Columbia, with 153 reported in Interior Health. IH also reported its...

Boundary Region COVID-19 Update

BCers, including citizens in the Boundary region, are doing their best to flatten the curve as the globe continues to deal with Coronavirus COVID-19. Recent figures have BC Total confirmed cases in BC at 1,647 with 150 reported in Interior Health. IH also reported its first death earlier this week. Regional District of Kootenay...

April snowpack lower than March, but still above normal — RDKB

In a media release, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary said the snow basin index or the amount of snow in the mountains is 122 per cent of normal in the Boundary and 118 per cent of normal in the West Kootenay. The RDKB said this is a reduction in the Boundary of 12 per cent since March 1 and four per cent in the West...

Boundary Region COVID-19 Update

As the world continues to deal with the Coronavirus COVID-19, communities around the globe deal with their own issues. Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Director Roley Russell has teamed up with City of Grand Forks Mayor Brian Taylor to keep citizens of the Boundary region up to date with vital information regarding the...

Early prohibition of fires, fireworks throughout BC: UPDATED

In addition to the earlier announcement of an early burning ban across the province to begin on April 16, the province has issued open burning restrictions for all High Smoke Sensitivity Zones across the province until Wednesday, April 15, 2020. These restrictions are directly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the...

RDKB says: Please don't travel to secondary homes or cabins in the RDKB

Many residents from BC and other provinces own cabins or secondary homes in the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, including at Christina Lake, Big White and other tourist destinations in our region. The regional district has a simple message for anyone contemplating visiting or staying at a secondary home or cabin in ...

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