

FLOOD WARNING issued again for Kettle River and Boundary region rivers and creeks

The BC River Forecast Centre is maintaining a flood watch for the West Kettle River and Kettle River as well as maintaining a high streamflow advisory for the Kettle/Boundary and Kootenay Regions.River levels in the region have been rising or flowing high for the past two weeks due to the onset of the spring snow melt...

Arts festival gearing up for week of culture

A unique 10-day event across the Boundary region celebrating the arts is coming in August. 2011 is the first run of the Kettle River Festival of the Arts that will take place in various venues throughout Boundary Country.  Events will be held over 11 evenings from Aug. 4 to 14, and offering performances for all ages in theatre,...

SUMMING IT UP: Grand Forks city council

The sale of 3.5 acres of land to Golden Life Management was approved by Grand Forks city council at their last meeting. Golden Life Management is a Cranbrook-based business building facilities and providing residential care for seniors. The bid on the property was received in early March with a “subject to” clause that the ...

OP/ED: Is the minimum wage enough?

Families who work for low wages face impossible choices — buy food or heat the house, feed the children or pay the rent. The result can be spiraling debt, constant anxiety and long-term health problems. In many cases it means that the adults in the family are working long hours, often at two or three jobs, just to pay for...

Flood warning retracted as water levels drop

Even though the river speed and height are still very threatening, the BC River Forecast Centre is ending the flood warning for the West Kettle River, the flood watch for the Kettle River, and the high streamflow advisory for the Granby River, Salmo River and Moyie River.River levels peaked early on Tuesday, May 17th, and...

Cocaine bust nets Washington state man 14 years

Fourteen years in prison for trying to import 83 kilograms of cocaine into Canada in the false floor of a minivan was the sentence for a 49-year-old Washington man, Scott Fleming Powers.  Powers was sentenced in relation to a joint Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and RCMP Federal Drug Enforcement investigation resulting...

LETTER: Compassion and caring evident at the Boundary Hospital

Dear Editor;My husband and I have been part time residents of Grand Forks now for almost five years. We have always enjoyed the warmth, not only of the sunshine, but of the friendly and thoughtful community of people that we have come to know. Our neighbours are always looking out for us, and bring over homemade borscht and...

HEALTH: Take precautions during tick season

As the weather warms, people across Interior Health will be spending more time outdoors in tall grass or wooded areas and this means an increased chance of getting tick bites. Ticks are small bugs that bite and feed on the blood of humans and animals and sometimes these bites can transmit disease. Fortunately, there are...

Sexual exploitation of youth can be prevented

Melissa is 15-years-old and a child of the street. She came from a stable home, middle-class, and used to do well in school. One day she found an invitation on her Facebook page to go to a LG (Little Girl) party. She was mad at her folks, and had heard that the parties were fun. Melissa went out, tried ecstasy and got drunk....

Curves keeps community healthy

Over 1500 pounds of non-perishable food was collected by Grand Forks Curves members during the month of April for donation to Boundary Community Food Bank.   “This is the ninth year Grand Forks Curves has conducted a food drive,” acknowledged Manager Sonya Wood. “This year is special because we collected more food than ever...

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