

OP/ED: The implosion of Canada's medical marijuana regulations

On April 4, 2011 in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Justice D. J. Taliano in the case of Regina versus Mernagh handed down a decision supporting on individual’s rights to access medical marijuana.   Although the medical use of marijuana has been legal in Canada since 2001, the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR)...

Your child could be a star - send in your favourite picture!

Success By 6 invites you to submit photos for their 2012 Early Childhood Development Calendar for a chance to win great prizes! Now through Monday, June 13, you can submit photos online at www.successby6bc.ca. They are looking for a variety of images from across British Columbia, and there is no limit to the amount of finalists...

Former Nelsonite 'humbled' by devastation in Joplin, Missouri

Laura (Dolly Cartlidge) Leach lived in Nelson for 28 years before moving to United States, Missouri, in 1987. Leach, the daughter of Ted and Evelyn Cartlidge of Balfour, graduated from L.V. Rogers High School in Nelson in 1971. She married husband Mike in 1986.She returned to school, graduating from Central Methodist University...

LETTER: HST hits when you least expect it

Dear Editor;Last spring I decided to run a 10 kilometer run. I was very surprised when I realized that I had to pay harmonized sales tax (HST).The Liberal government was promoting people in B.C. to get out and get healthy and yet there was the HST on entering a run. Now with the referendum just around the corner they are...

Keep children safe on the road for travels

Car crashes kill more children than any other injury. Car seats, booster seats and seat belts, when used correctly, play an important role in keeping children safe and sound while traveling.“There are several different types of car seats available and each is designed for a specific purpose,” says Brenda Marsman, public health...

Kootenay's amazing playoff run comes to an end with semi final loss at 2011 MasterCard Memorial Cup

The amazing playoff run for the Kootenay Ice finally came to an end.Devante Smith-Pelly scored twice to power the hometown Mississauga St. Michael’s Majors to a 3-1 victory over the Western Hockey League champs Friday in the 2011 MasterCard Memorial Cup semi-final game.The Majors will now face the Saint John Sea Dogs in...

OP/ED: Broadacres latest victim of globalization

Community support for the efforts of Rod Gustafson to provide a way for seniors to live out their last days in a comfortable setting close to family and loved ones has been overwhelming. Over the past year local residents have had to be sent to a variety of open beds available through Interior Health Authority (IHA) despite...

Government proposes cutting HST to 10 per cent, with a condition

Talk about dangling the carrot.The Province is proposing to reduce the total HST rate to 10 per cent from 12 per cent in two stages, cutting the provincial portion by one percentage point to six per cent from seven per cent on July 1, 2012, and a further one percentage point reduction would take effect on July 1, 2014.And...

Come home to Christina Lake this July

The Christina Lake Homecoming event, designed to captivate the community spirit of the people who visit, live in or who have ever lived in the region of Christina Lake, will celebrate and reminisce with friends, neighbors, or build new relationships.   Area C Regional Director Grace McGregor extends an invitation to everyone...

Free soil seminar hosted by community garden

A large percentage of Boundary Country residents enjoy agriculture in some form or another. For some, gardening is a passion; for others, nurseries are their line of work. These individuals are intimate with the plants they grow and certainly find a sense of pride in the accomplished work. But how many consider the soil as ...

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