

New concept of community forests underway in West Boundary

West Boundary residents are learning about what it will be like to own a community forest through a consultation process underway in the area. Recent public meetings were held in both Greenwood and Midway to give locals a chance to hear about the proposed community forest and voice concerns. The session in Greenwood was...

LETTER: Meat producers gather to talk about their future

Dear Editor; There will be a very important meeting for local meat producers to discuss next steps for the industry after the construction of the mobile abattoir.  If you are a meat producer of any meat such as poultry, beef, pigs, goats, rabbits -- this meeting is very important for you. If you are thinking about becoming ...

Local cowgirl poet wins Rising Star award

For some writing can be a daunting process, for others, like cowgirl poet Jill Gunnarson, it is a gift. And it is Gunnarson's gift for inspiration -- which often comes to her in the middle of the night and keeps her up until morning -- that won her the B.C.Cowboy Heritage Society Rising Star award at the cowboy western poetry...

LETTER: Paving regional trails still the best option

Dear Editor: After reading the letters and responses regarding the proposed paving of the Trans Canada Trail between Grand Forks and Christina Lake, I feel compelled to respond. The Grand Forks Community Trails Society and the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary partnered in this project. While there have been a large...

Boundary Fields stores slated for closure

Grand Forks and Christina Lake Fields stores are among 141 Canadian stores slated for closure by HBC this fall. "HBC is closing their entire Fields store chain," said Tiffany Bourre, external communications manager for HBC. "It was a strategic decision to grow our other HBC banners." The popular Grand Forks location may be ...

Abattoir will finally be a reality

After four years of hard work and advocacy funding is finally in place for the construction of a mobile abattoir for the Boundary region. The realization of years of work for volunteers committed to reviving the flagging meat production in the East Boundary area, the project’s final piece in the funding puzzle fell into place...

Midway and Greenwood score grants from the province

News on funding proposal decisions for recreation improvements across the Boundary region came through this week with the Village of Midway and the City of Greenwood coming up as winners. The Village of Midway will receive $400,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development's Community Recreation Program...

IN BRIEF: School District enters Internet age

The regular Education Board meeting for School District 51 on Tuesday, March 13 was all about the internet from online learning to their dive into the age of Facebook. Online learning program taking off in the Boundary Can't get your kid off the computer? Maybe that's okay if they're involved in the online learning pilot...

Farmers and eaters unite at Food Sovereignty Forum

Broken down barns and empty fields that haven't seen a crop in years left National Farmers' Union (NFU) vice president of policy, activist and farmer Colleen Ross wondering about the Boundary. "I've never been here and as I drove through I wondered about the food shed...I wonder what people are eating and where they get their...

Budget could be short as much as $500,000 for Grand Forks

Tough decisions are due this week as Grand Forks city council considers how high they are prepared to go for this year’s budget. The basic budget is calculated at a shortfall of $100,000 and, if council agrees to fund all the requests they have received, the additional cost to the annual budget is nearly $500,000 or about 16...

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