

Taylor puts marijuana back on the table at city council

A challenge to step up leadership was given to Grand Forks city council when mayor Brian Taylor asked them to join the campaign to end the prohibition of marijuana in Canada. Taylor wants council to join in with the other B.C. municipalities, now over 13 of a possible 160 and growing, in the Stop the Violence campaign. The ...

Spreading the word on safety for children

Students Carrie Riddle and Stephanie Koorbatoff on practicum placements with Boundary Family and Individual Services Society partnered with Success by Six, Interior Health Authority and the Baby’s Best Chance Program to spread the word about safety. The Poison Prevention Week message focussed on safety with medications, giving...

ATV fundraiser educational and fun

The Grand Forks ATV Club’s First Annual Reverse draw was a huge success! The day was bright and warm – perfect weather for Get Up, Get Out, Join In, Ride Safe Off the Unbeaten Trail. About 100 folks came to the event held at the GF Wildlife Hall on Saturday, May 12. The local food was excellently prepared and served by local...

Relay for Life this weekend in the Boundary

Local relay racers are stretching their legs and their efforts to raise as much money as possible before the annual Canadian Cancer Society's Boundary Country 2012 Relay for Life event set for Saturday, June 2. From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. the 17 teams and 128 participants will be cutting laps around the James Donaldson Park in ...

Waste not, want not new motto for Grand Forks

When it comes to talking trash Grand Forks city council has taken the topic to heart with the expansion of the organics recycling program for the entire city by October of this year. Started in January of this year, the Val Mar area of the city with 128 homes has had the green bin pilot project for food waste collection...

Quick action saved damage at house fire

Les Johnson of GFTVCA was on site when the Grand Forks fire department responded to a small house fire that could have been worse.  Watch the video to hear fire chief Dale Heriot explain what happened!...

Clean air day a chance for everyone to think about air quality

Individual action to protect the air and reduce greenhouse gases is the focus of Clean Air Day, which is on Wednesday, Jun. 6 this year. Clean Air Day started out as a B.C. event in 1992, but has since become a national day. B.C. and Canada face several serious air quality and environmental issues, such as smog, fine particulates,...

Injured but motivated Basso does marathon across the Boundary

After completing a four day cross constituency marathon New Democratic Party candidate Marji Basso stepped out at a fundraising reception in Grand Forks alongside party leader Adrian Dix. Plagued by a calf muscle injury, Basso completed the marathon-level tour in what Grand Forks mayor Brian Taylor called “good old fashioned...

Grand Forks parents have mixed feelings on proposed Middle School

Discussions for a proposed middle school were nearly as polarized as the deer issue in Grand Forks during the second School District 51 public forum held at Dr. D.A. Perley Elementary School, Wednesday, May 23. The meeting attracted more than 100 parents, grandparents and teachers who were both for and against the proposed ...

POLICE BEAT: Copperwire targeted in new home

The theft of copper wire from a new house construction on Riverside Drive in Grand Forks caused $7,000 in damages to the structure and loss of the wire on Friday, May 25. Grand Forks RCMP were called out to the site at 4:24 p.m. The house had already been wired when the culprit ripped out the wire from the walls, said Grand...

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