

Marshall Lake dam faces 11th hour decisions

Local governments and the public have until the end of this month to come up with a plan to preserve Marshall Lake. That’s all the time the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) will allow for a decision to be made on whether or not the city, regional district or the public are willing and able...

Canada day at the lake

Canada Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this beautiful country we live in, the freedoms and opportunities we have, and the natural splendour. And what better place to celebrate than in cottage country and by one of Canada’s most spectacular holiday spots – Christina Lake. This is a small community event, country ...

POLICE: Grand Forks woman identified as drowning victim

The BC Coroners Service has confirmed the identity of a woman whose body was found floating in Okanagan Lake near Kelowna on June 19. She is Melissa Joy Van Diemen, aged 34, originally from Grand Forks, but most recently living in Kelowna. Ms. Van Diemen was last seen swimming in Okanagan Lake behind City Park on June 13. The...

COURT BRIEFS: UPDATED - Grand Forks man charged in Midway bombing

Ian Jason Peregoodoff, 43 of Grand Forks, has been charged with two counts of arson and damage to private property and two counts of mischief after allegedly bottle bombing the Midway RCMP Detachment and police vehicle on Monday, June 18. Peregoodoff remains in police custody appeared in the Nelson provincial court on Wednesday,...

Yellow fish swimming down our streets

More than 140 storm drains are just that much more important to Grand Forks now they have a symbolic yellow fish painted alongside them. The yellow fish and the words “Rainwater Only” were painted by Grade 4 and 5 Hutton Elementary School students along with the help of their teacher, Amy Perry, on Wednesday, June 20.  The ...

Grand Forks teachers take to the streets once more

In a last hurrah before the end of the school year, 15 Grand Forks teachers took to Central Avenue in Grand Forks to continue their protest on Bill 22, Thursday, June 21. After school, the group walked their homemade signs down Central Avenue from the union office across from the Aquatic Centre to the intersection in front ...

OP/ED: Healthy forests for communities

By: Bill Bourgeois In the past two decades, British Columbians have witnessed two starkly different approaches to managing the province’s forest resources. Following the so-called “war in the woods” in the early 1990s, the Provincial Government responded with a series of initiatives emphasizing land-use planning, greater...

Science camps open for youth this summer

Science camps offering a fun, interactive learning environment with some basic electricity, chemistry, physics, and biology will be running this summer in Grand Forks and Christina Lake. The three camps, running through Selkirk College, are for youth ages six - 12 years-of-age.  Camps are three days in duration with two taking...

EDUCATION: Board hears from Christina Lake parents

Christina Lake parents made up a large part of the delegations before the School District 51 board of trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 12. They emphasized their displeasure at the proposed middle school plan that would drop enrollment at their elementary school by over 30 students.  Along with some voices against the proposed...

GFSS 2012 Grads say a fond farewell

The 81 graduates of the Grand Forks Secondary School bid a fond farewell to their childhood and gazed excitedly into a promising future during the commencement ceremonies, Saturday, June 16. The Grand Forks Arena was packed with family, friends and well wishers as the excited and dazzlingly dressed students paraded on to...

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