

LETTER: School district moving forward with next steps in school reconfiguration

We would like to begin by expressing our most sincere thank you to everyone who participat-ed in the four district redesign public forums. The Board was seeking input on a middle school model concept for the Boundary that would see schools reconfigured to a K-5, 6-8 and a 9-12 model. We were fortunate to be able to be posing...

Enjoy Canada Day events across the Boundary

This year many Canada Day celebrations are also recognizing the Queen's diamond jubilee - 60 years of reign. Head out to your local community activities being held across the Boundary this Sunday and have fun! Grand Forks: Why not do something special on July 1?  It will make you a prouder Canadian and, also, improve your...

School District looks ahead to another positive five years

After experiencing five years of positive results, School District 51, the provincial government and local aboriginal leaders signed a second aboriginal enhancement agreement during a special ceremony, Wednesday, June 27. The first agreement, which was signed five years ago, was so successful that the school district saw an...

POLICE BEAT: Copper wire and building supplies hot commodities

A rash of thefts involving copper wire and building materials hit both Grand Forks and Christina Lake over the past week. The price thieves can get for the copper wire is making the common household building material a hot commodity – even though the closest place to ditch the stolen scrap metals is in Kelowna. The first...

Changing of the guard at Grand Forks and District Public Library

Grand Forks and District Public Library director Heather Buzzell will be waving a fond farewell to Grand Forks this summer as she heads to Penticton for a new job to inspire the reading public at the Penticton Public Library. Buzzell has been the library director in Grand Forks for the past three years. During her time here,...

Grand Forks actress writes and stars in upcoming play

Anya Soroka is a local actress with a Russian flare. The 28 year-old was raised in Grand Forks but has a distinct overseas connection: her mom is from Russia and Soroka also has a degree from there. After graduating from the Victoria Motion Picture School, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in acting from the Boris Shukin...

Weekend storms leave Christina Lake and Grand Forks residents without power

Gusting winds and driving rains knocked down trees, branches and electricity to homes all over the east Boundary region over the weekend. The storm hit suddenly and violently on the evening of Friday, June 22 leaving more than 600 Fortis BC customers without power for between four and 24 hours, depending on the severity of ...

OPINION: Time to move on in the marijuana conversation

In early April of this year one of the most brilliant marketing campaigns ever designed was launched. With a splash of media exposure, a small group of eight people started a conversation that has not stopped nearly three months later. As the chatter moves contagiously through more and more people, the volume has been amplified...

Soccer taking hold across the Boundary

The Boundary Youth Soccer Association rounded off a fun spring season with a Boundary-wide tournament on the soccer fields at Boundary Central Secondary School in Midway, Saturday, June 23. Hundreds of kids between four and 18, their families and friends spent the day celebrating soccer. The kids played tournament games, got...

Marshall Lake dam faces 11th hour decisions

Local governments and the public have until the end of this month to come up with a plan to preserve Marshall Lake. That’s all the time the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNRO) will allow for a decision to be made on whether or not the city, regional district or the public are willing and able...

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