

Boundary residents added their voice to Defend Our Coast rally last week

Boundary residents were among the thousands of voices raised province-wide in protest of the proposed pipeline, Wednesday, Oct 24. About 5,000 people in 70 locations across the province, staged protests in front of their MLAs offices to show their opposition to the proposed expansion of tar sands pipelines across our province...

Flu vaccines in Kootenay Boundary still safe

In light of the recent temporary suspension of Novartis vaccine products (Agriflu and Fluad), Interior Health wishes to advise the public that our public flu clinics will continue as scheduled using our primary vaccine product Vaxigrip. Novartis products comprise less than 10% of the vaccine supply in Interior Health. Interior...

Grand Forks seeks help to tell their story

Grand Forks is strengthening its brand, and it needs help from the public. No, there’s no steer wrestling experience necessary. Gloves and jeans aren't required. There's no cattle or branding irons. All that's needed is your thoughts about Grand Forks. But first, what is a brand and why is it important? What's a brand? Our ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Fall weather sets the tone for great reading

Hi Grand Folks! The leaves are coming down, the wind is picking up, and if I’m not mistaken it seems that fall is in full swing. Which means it’s time to put the garden to bed, to admire your full mason jars, and to curl up under a blanket with a good book. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious you can make a couple of...

Moms get involved with breastfeeding

World Breastfeeding week was celebrated in October so it's a great time to ask feedback from mothers living in the West Kootenays / Boundary about their infant feeding choices.   With support from Interior Health, the Nelson Breastfeeding Taskforce is initiating an anonymous study aimed at mothers with children up to three ...

Compost bin like lunch bucket for local bears when put out the night before pickup

The new green compost bins issued by the Regional District Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) last month are attracting more than community discussion – bears are now cashing in on the free meals contained within. Conservation officer Dave Webster said he is currently monitoring between five and six bear complaints in Grand Forks. About...

Kokanee fish making a comeback in Christina Lake

When Brenda LaCroix, project manager for the Christina Lake Stewardship Society, watches an underwater video of the Kokanee salmon swimming in Sandner Creek she can’t help but feel optimistic. Five years ago the wriggling, glinting red bodies of the Kokanee salmon were not so dense or plentiful in our waters.  But thanks to...

POLICE BEAT: Christina Lake Fire Rescue Department called out three times for same accident

A rolled over semi-trailer on the Paulson Summit created quite a commotion for local firefighters over the weekend when they were called out to respond three times for the same accident. “We went on a wild goose-chase three times,” said Christina lake Fire Rescue Department fire chief Ken Gresley-Jones. The semi-trailer loaded...

Boundary residents share in the Defend the Coast action this week

The Boundary-Similkameen is joining communities across BC in a province-wide Defend Our Coast day of action to show growing opposition to the risks posed by tar sands pipelines and tankers. Rallies will be held at MLA’s offices across the province on Wednesday, Oct. 24, and participants will link arms to symbolize BC’s unbroken...

UPDATED: Snowfall warning remains for West Kootenay

Environment Canada still has a snowfall warning in effect for the West Kootenay area as of 5 a.m. Tuesday. The forecast has snow ending this morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of rain showers or flurries and accumulations of five centimeters. Tuesday evening there’s a 40 percent chance of rain showers or flurries...

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