

Report critiques Canada's organic certification system

The Frontier Centre for Public Policy recently released a policy study examining the system for testing organic products – or the lack thereof – in Canada. Authors Mischa Popoff and Patrick Moore drop the bomb on organic certification in Canada by revealing that organic crops are not systematically tested by the Canadian Food...

Phoenix Mountain Racers looking ahead to exciting year with funding boost

A $2,000 government grant will give the Phoenix Mountain Ski Racers an extra leg up this ski season and the start of a new ski-cross training area at Phoenix Ski Hill. Late last month the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development granted the organization with $2,000 through the Local Sport Development Fund, which...

The true meaning of the school Christmas concert

I've covered many school Christmas concerts in my time as a reporter, but this year was something very special -- it was the first Christmas concert I've had my own child in. My little guy is in Kindergarten at Christina Lake Elementary School and boy was it fun to see the excitement a school concert brought to his little...

Community Christmas dinner set for next week with generous support

The annual Community Christmas dinner will be hosted once again this year at the Gospel Chapel. At the recent meeting of the Community Christmas Dinner organizing group, RDKB Area D Director Irene Perepolkin presented a cheque for $1000.00 to the Donation Coordinators Sharon Fausten and Anya Soroka for the 2012 Community...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Gift ideas for the Christmas season

Hi Grand Folks!   Here’s what’s been going on at the library:   FIVE GREAT USES FOR OLD NEWSPAPERS   We’ve started putting our old newspapers in a basket by the book drop – feel free to help yourself anytime. What do you want old newspaper for, anyway? Here’s five things I can think of:   1. Fold a liner for your compost bin...

Library soon to be source for seeds, not just books

Free seeds of all sorts will soon be available for lending at the Grand Forks and District Public Library. The Seed Library, which is a joint partnership between the library and the Boundary Seed Bank Project, will allow library patrons to “borrow” seeds for planting. It’s like having Seedy Saturday all year round. “I’m happy...

Midway resident garners Queen's Jubilee Medal

A West Boundary resident was the latest recipient for the Queen's Jubilee Medal last week. MLA John Slater presented James McMynn of Midway with the honour being awarded this year to deserving Canadians. James McMynn served the Village of Midway with distinction as its Mayor from its incorporation in 1967 to his retirement ...

POLICE BEAT: Destructive driving at USCC over weekend

About 10 cars tore up the grounds at the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ (USCC) over the weekend. Grand Forks RCMP received the complaint by a USCC member the morning after the incident happened at 9:14 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 16. The drivers had apparently been driving donuts around the parking lot and across the lawn the...

Christina Lake Christmas Party great one on one time with Santa

It was a jolly good time at the Christina Lake Community Center when the jolly old elf rolled in on the back of the Christina Lake Fire Rescue Department's truck, Friday, Dec. 14. About 20 kids and their parents gathered for some one on one time with the jolly Santa, who gave them each a goody bag of treats to take home after...

Phoenix Ski Hill triples acreage, gets government approval on resort plan

The approval of a new Resort Master Plan for the Phoenix Ski Hill will provide further stability with possible future financial benefits for the Phoenix Mountain Alpine Ski Society (PMASS). Earlier this week the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations announced that they have approved the plan and have...

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