

Council puts a plug in funding tap for community organizations

After over six years of different policies and three different councils, Grand Forks has once again decided not to provide grants-in-aid to local community organizations. The topic came to the table after council had several requests for funding from local non-profits. Most were deferred to budget discussions or to wait in ...

POLICE BEAT: Boundary sees 27.8 per cent reduction in crime since 2010

A dedicated Crime Reduction Strategy has paid off for Grand Forks RCMP. Over the last two years the department has reduced the occurrence of crime throughout the Boundary area by 27.8 per cent. Over the past month Grand Forks RCMP staff sergeant Jim Harrison has been making his annual policing report to city councils and...

Amanda Thate wins emerging artist contest

Grand Fork’s own singer/songwriter Amanda Thate keeps on moving up in the music world. Her latest achievement is winning the “Emerging Artist Showdown” hosted by Country 103 – a Kamloop’s based radio station. The contest was driven by fan votes, which Thate dominated earning 41 percent of the votes for her song “A Dream.”...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Getting their green on

Hi Folks! Spring is in the air – there’s no two ways about it. We’ve got rising rivers, blossoming buttercups, and plenty of sunshine. Most of all, there’s a lot less white and a lot more green. This is my roundabout way of getting to what I really want to talk about today, which is the “green” movement. These days, of course,...

Taylor remains mayor as NDP candidate nominated

Grand Forks will not be heading into a by-election for the mayor's seat as Sam Hancheroff won the provincial New Democratic Party (NDP) candidacy for the Boundary-Similkameen. Hancheroff is currently a school trustee, and is a retired school teacher. Having grown up in Grand Forks and spending his career years in Okanagan...

Wash-out closes Stewart Creek Road

A section of Stewart Creek Road has been closed for over a week thanks to excess water that caused a wash-out. The collapse was reported to the Ministry of Transportation, Saturday, Mar. 30 and work crews started repairs right away. “The (road) base got saturated,” explained Stephanie Gillis, Ministry of Transportation Area...

Keep visitors shopping with free customer service course

Customer service can be a “make it or break it” experience for a shopper.   When you shop in a store where you get great customer service, chances are you’ll return.   On the other hand, if you get poor customer service…..well, you’ll probably take your business elsewhere. Learn the secrets to providing great customer service...

Residents safe -- slag pile is not moving

Residents living along the Granby River can rest easy that they won’t wake up to a flooded home. City councillors heard reassuring reports from Interior Testing Services and Urban Systems at their committee of the whole meeting, April 2. “There is absolutely no movement of the slag stockpile,” said Peter Hanenburg, a geotechnical...

Assistance available for low income tax filers

People that are taxed by tax season can get assistance from community members through the group People Helping People. The pool of local volunteers help low income Boundary residents as a part of Revenue Canada’s  Community Volunteer Income Tax Program - for free. The program is in its second year and co-ordinator Lorraine ...

Raising money for cancer and living well - life motto for local pharmacist

When it comes to the “Live Well with Pharmasave” slogan, it is without a doubt that local Grand Forks store owner, Graeme Carlson, walks the talk. For the past three months, Carlson, owner/pharmacist at Pharmasave Grand Forks, has been raising funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through the Team in Training program. ...

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