

Ladyhawk and more to perform at Canada Day concert

Community Futures Boundary and Waterlow Audio presents the 3rd Annual Ford Pier and Friends Canada Day Weekend Concert featuring performances by Vancouver based bands: Ladyhawk, The Ford Pier Vengeance Trio, Invasives, Slow Learners, with local acts The Brother Sister Show and Sober Becky. The concert is June 29 at the Grand...

Thrift store celebrates 50 years and buys new cardiac monitoring system

Les Johnson interviews volunteers at theHospital Auxiliary Thrift Store to discuss their 50th anniversary, which they are celebrating June 18th with a customer appreciate day. They also talk about their latest purchase for the hospital. ...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: New magazines at the library

Hi Folks! We have a little suggestion box in the library. It’s off to the side of the checkout desk – a small, wooden treasure chest. We receive all sorts of comments, and I’ve decided to include some of them, along with my responses: Q: Would love to have reservations for magazines, please! The library used to! A: That’s a...

CL workshops will teach business owners how to network online

A new partnership was born today between Selkirk College and the Christina Gateway Community Development Association (CGCDA). The two groups signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the Christina Lake Welcome Centre, June 4. “We want to help business improve capacity to market themselves using the Internet,” said Sandy...

Relay for Life brings in almost $50,000

Saturday's Relay for Life was a succes with 21 teams and 156 participants. Everyone's combined efforts raised $47,600 for the Canadian Cancer Society.  Each team came up with a carnival themed fundraiser. Visitors were seen hoola hooping, smashing old cars, listening to live music and getting their finger nails painted. There...

Animal control officers cancel contract with RDKB

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) is looking for a new way to handle animal complaints after the Boundary Animal Control cancelled their contract with the regional district. “They just indicated they were uncomfortable with the circumstances,” said RDKB chief administrative officer (CAO) John MacLean. This...

Weekend Wetlandkeepers Course coming to GF

The BC Wildlife Federation is running a two and a half day workshop called Wetlandkeepers at Boothman’s Oxbow Provincial Park from June 14 to June 16.  Up to 25 participants will learn the importance of wetland ecosystems and stewardship techniques in order to further enhance these sensitive areas. The workshop delivers...

CONTEST: June 2013 -- Sponsored by Marti's Portly Penguin Pizza

Welcome to the second monthly contest hosted by the Boundary Sentinel.  To participate, write a comment -- any PG comment -- in the comment boxes below. You'll need to set up an account if you don't already have one. Don't forget to make sure the account has a valid email address so we can notify you if you win! The winner ...

Cyclists take off on three-day fun ride

Robb's Ride, a popular fun ride organized by Robb and Mary Sebastian, started today. Over 220 riders were registered for the event. They gathered at the Union of Spirtual Communities of Christ (USCC) hall in Grand Forks on May 31. The riders will start a scenic 120 km ride around the city.  On Saturday they will head south ...

CLSS works to prevent mussel invasion at CL

Members of the Christina Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) and the Boundary Invasive Species Society (BIS) travelled to Dover, Idaho on Wednesday, May 22nd, to learn the appropriate procedures for inspecting boats for Zebra and Quagga mussels. The objective of this trip was to learn how to keep our lake clean by preventing the...

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