

CL spaghetti dinner has full house

Renowned opera singer Andrea Bocelli’s music filled the Christina Lake Community hall parking lot as guests arrived to the Fall Frolic Spaghetti Dinner and Dance, Saturday night. The music set the scene for the Italian-themed dinner, which serves as a fundraiser for the hall.   According to organizers from the Christina Lake...

Group seeks compensation to save the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area

By Suzy Hamilton, The Nelson Daily Northern leopard frogs aren’t the only endangered species at the Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area (CVWMA). Adequate funding is also becoming scarce, thanks to a move by the BC government, placing the management of the 7,000 hectare wetlands, educational programs and interpretative...

LETTER: Deer populations suffer despite what Ministry says

Updated Last July the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources announced that the province’s wildlife populations are healthy. The Ministry’s statement is a perfect example of what happens when governments turn their back on transparency and accountability. After all, any attempt at due diligence will quickly reveal...

Genelle fire victims debunk rescue story

A couple who have lost everything in a mobile home fire Tuesday (October 15) are feeling further victimized by accounts (including one in The Source https://castlegarsource.com/news/trailer-fire-genelle-not-suspicious-26813#.Ul82PRDRUik) of two local men saving them from the fire. Ron, 74, and Joy, 68, Roshinsky say that's...

LETTER: GF resident offers thanks for all the giving she received this year

Well Thanksgiving has been and gone but my " thanks"  and "giving" started a long time before and will go on for a very long time after. A big thank you goes out to all the wonderful people who helped raise funds so that I was able to purchase a medical scooter. However you donated, be it money, time or other and where ever...

Deer count coming, committee to work on fine structure

It's time for the deer count again and Grand Forks councillor Gary Smith is hoping to have a good turnout.  The count is on Nov. 10 at 6 a.m. and lasts up to 1 1/2 hours. After that, the group meets for a free breakfast, which is compensation for the volunteer work. The deer committee will hold their meeting after breakfast. ...

Man crosses Canada on a strictly solar-powered trike

Rick Small, a Thunder Bay resident, cruised through Grand Forks this week on his custom-made, solarized, e-trike.  The trike has two sets of three, 16 volt panels to give him 288 watts to power the trike. Small says he is self-taught and it took him about 40 hours to build the trailer and another 24 hours to adapt the solar...

IH launches 'Healthy from the Start' for pregnancy care

Healthy From The Start is a one-stop shop that connects pregnant women with appropriate services in the community to support a healthy pregnancy. Information and resources are available on a variety of subjects including accessing prenatal care, when to seek medical care, mental health, relationships, breastfeeding, parenting...

UPDATED: Whitewater cruises into second round on Halloween against Revelstoke

Was there any doubt? It appears Whitewater Ski Hill, going solo this time, has dispatched its first victim in the Powder Magazine 2014 Ski Town Throwdown contest. With the final tally completed, Nelson's Whitewater Ski Hill outlasted Big White near Kelowna 765-278. Whitewater now advances to the second round of the 64-hill ...


Jocelyn Cowie, a registered massage therapist, is a prominent specialist in pain and sports injury treatment and has spent 28 years perfecting her practice and in getting to the "point of pain." She also owns Ponderosa Pines Mountain Spa on Spencer's Hill in Grand Forks and is the CEO and founder of AssessX Technology Ltd. ...

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