
LETTER: GF resident offers thanks for all the giving she received this year

By Contributor
October 17th, 2013

Well Thanksgiving has been and gone but my ” thanks”  and “giving” started a long time before and will go on for a very long time after.

A big thank you goes out to all the wonderful people who helped raise funds so that I was able to purchase a medical scooter. However you donated, be it money, time or other and where ever you donated from, your generosity will never be forgotten.

A big thank you also goes out to David Woods who loaned me a spare scooter so I could go on some trial runs before i got my own.

Some already know this, but for those who don’t, this scooter has changed my life and opened up a whole new world for me — and my dogs!

This was the first summer since moving here with friends that I was able to take my dogs to the river for a swim so they could cool off. What a fun time it was! 

Words are not enough to truely describe how I feel and how grateful I am. One day I know the chance will come for me to “pay it forward” and bring hope and happiness to someone else’s life.

So when you see us out and about, look for the happiness in our hearts and the joy on our faces (dogs included!!) as you are the ones who made it possible.  

Thank you again.      

Karen Head  


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