

Get ready to be "Freaked" at annual ball/fundraiser

Get your costumes ready for a ghoulishly fun time at the annual Freaker’s Ball! This local tradition is a fund raising dance renowned as the best Halloween party in town. Part of the fun at the Freaker’s is the chance to win great prizes for creative costumes, enjoy snacks throughout the night, and, of course, dancing the...


Roger Ebert was the first journalist to win a Pulitzer Prize for criticism, a pondering point for the annoying horde of much lesser critics.  Employing Ebert’s best-selling memoir of the same name as a template, Steve James (Hoop Dreams) directed the film that recounts the inspiring and entertaining life of the film critic ...

Province deliberating on Jumbo compliance decision

The future of the Jumbo Valley is currently in limbo, as the provincial Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) recently found the project to be in non-compliance with several conditions of its environmental assessment certificate, which expired earlier this week on (Sunday) October 12 – and some are questioning whether...

BCRCC supports small business & small business week

As B.C. marks Small Business Week (Oct. 20 – 24), the Boundary Country Regional Chamber of Commerce is celebrating the vital role small businesses play in the Boundary Country. “Small businesses make up a major part of the Boundary’s business community and play a critical role in driving our local economy and creating jobs,”...

One if by land, three if by sea? Police nab trio of alleged would-be boat thieves during water-borne getaway

Whether criminals attempt to escape by land or by sea, it would appear the local long arm of the law will reach them. Saturday morning saw Nelson RCMP, Kaslo RCMP and the Conservation Office join forces to nab a trio of would-be boat thieves who tried to escape over water with their ill-gotten gains, according to Nelson RCMP...

Independent Investigations Office confirms Slocan man shot by police

The Independent Investigations Office confirmed in a news release Tuesday that 45-year-old Peter DeGroot died from a gunshot injury sustained during an interaction with two members of the Emergency Response Team near a cabin west of Slocan. An IIO team arrived in the area Monday evening and is currently on the scene. “In...

City of GF releases promotional videos

Throughout the past year, the City of Grand Forks has been working on the production of several videos to promote and celebrate the community.  In the fall of 2013, the Economic Development Advisory Committee made a recommendation to City Council to develop material that would incorporate the new brand and story of the...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Author Grant Lawrence coming, conversation about chickens, etc.

Being a library and all, lending things out is our speciality. Which is why this Halloween we’ve decided to put out our bins of costumes and let you dig through them. Once you find the right one, you can borrow it for all your Halloween fun.! The big day is Saturday, October 18, from 2:00 – 3:30. Drop by and see what you can...

RCMP confirm Peter DeGroot killed in police interaction at cabin near Slocan

Southeast District Commander Chief Superintendent Frank Smart confirmed in a news conference Monday evening in Kelowna that 45-year-old Peter DeGroot of Slocan was killed in a police interaction in a cabin west of the village of Slocan. Smart told media in a press conference at the Southeast District Headquarters in the Central...

Virtuoso Guitarist Visits the Boundary

The Boundary is in for a real treat this week when Latin-Flamenco-jazz guitarist Servantes brings his highly acclaimed act to town for a performance at gallery2 in Grand Forks the evening of October 19th.  Gatineau native Patrice Servant, now known as “Servantes” began playing the guitar at the age of 6. Winning every competition...

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