

Concerned groups calling on Ministry to take immediate action on Kootenay Lake Fishery; meeting scheduled for Feb 23 in Balfour

Locals outdoors clubs, including the British Columbia Wildlife Federation (BCWF) and the West Arm Outdoors Club (WAOC), are demanding urgent action by the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) as Kootenay Lake kokanee stocks continue to dwindle. The two groups together with the Balfour and District...

Resident Hunters Not Happy about Revision to Hunting Allocations

After weeks of protest, petitioning and lobbying  by BC’s resident hunting community, Minister Steve Thomson announced Friday that he was revising the limited entry hunting allocations (LEH) for the province. But local Nelson Rod and Gun director Wally Kampen said the changes were minimal. “It’s a very small step in the right...

Interior Health proceeds with next stage of privatizing laundry services

The writing appears to be on the wall for 17 full-time equivalent employees at Kootenay Lake Hospital laundry services as Interior Health enters the next stage of a process that will determine the future of its laundry services. IH has started the process to seek Request for Solutions (RFS) from pre-qualified service providers...

Family Day in GF

It was a wet Family Day weekend in Grand Forks, but that didn't stop hundreds of people take part in the activities available.  Some of the activities included free swimming, bowling, skating and watching "Paddington" at the GEM Theatre.  On Saturday, the City of Grand Forks combined with their sponsors to put on various...

No Boundaries Film Festival finalizes screening times

No Boundaries Film Club presents the 2015 Join us to celebrate our 10th year in Grand Forks! Friday, February 27th – 7 to 9:30 pm Saturday, February 28th – 9 am to 9:30 pm Sunday, March 1st – 9 am to 5:00 pm   Grand Forks Secondary School Auditorium  Welcome to the 10th annual Grand Forks screening of the Traveling World...


The Speckled Dace is a small minnow with an important role in the Kettle River. The species is relatively abundant here, but it is considered endangered because it is the only place in Canada where it occurs and it is isolated from American populations. Now, residents of the Boundary and Okanagan Region will have a chance to...

BYSA NEWS: New board member, early registration underway

Hello Members and Friends, Just a short note to keep you in the know of where we are right now.   At last weeks meeting Tannis Piccini joined the Board of Directors, and even more importantly took the Treasures position. Whew a collective sigh of relief.   Our June tournament has been slotted in to Saturday, June 27th this ...

Memorial March, Feb. 14 for missing/murdered Aboriginal women

The Boundary Métis Community Association and The Boundary Women's Coalition  are holding a Memorial March for our Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Feb. 14, at Noon in front of the Courthouse on Central Ave. Grand Forks - there will be smudging, prayers, drumming, singing and words before marching to the Women's Resource...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Sign language starts soon; magazines still available for adoption

You are cordially invited to attend the 2nd Annual Downton Abbey Tea Party – to be held at the library on Saturday, February 28 at 2:00 pm. Building on last year’s wildly successful event, we’ll be having a costume parade with prizes, crafting corner, trivia quiz, photo booth, and a scone bake-off contest (if you’re wondering...

Nelson to join #ShutDownCanada demonstration Friday at High Noon

Vancouver is planning to join the cause. So are Calgary, Edmonton, Fredericton and Kamloops. Not lost in the #ShutDownCanada demonstration this week is the Heritage City where people are planning to march outside city halls, shut down highways, occupy high traffic areas. “We're doing this local action because Nelson is part...

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