

LIBRARY MUSINGS: Brain food and summer reading camp coming to GFDPL

Someone came into the library today to get a library card. It took us about 2 minutes to issue her one – and she said if she’d have known it was that easy, she would have gotten a card a long time ago!  So I just want you all to know: it’s that easy. No, seriously, it is. And it’s free. If you don’t have a library card, you...

Steelworker Adam Connell tour raises awareness for public inquiry into sawmill explosions

The United Steelworkers recently launched a petition demanding Premier Christy Clark call a public inquiry into the explosions of the Babine and Lakeland sawmills. Adam Connell of the United Steelworkers, touring the region, was in Nelson this week to raise awareness and give locals a chance to sign the petition. “I believe...

Nelson woman launches fundraising campaign to awaken the electorate

Following a hectic 27-year career in the world of TV commercial production, Barbara Bergen chose the relative calm of designing and manufacturing cremation urns. She left behind 14-hour days and a constantly ringing cell phone in the big city of Calgary for the small city seclusion of Nelson. But her placid life was shattered...

Nepal Earthquake hits close to home for former Nelson couple

The earthquake in Nepal hit a little too close to home for a former Nelson couple now living in Chilliwack. The son of Dean and Val Monty, Shaun, was visiting the Nepalese City of Pokhara when a 7.6 earthquake struck the region Saturday. Thankfully, Shaun and two friends, Robertson Mackenzie and Ashleigh Brooks managed to get...

Accused bank robber Andrew Stevenson pleads guilty in Nelson Court

Andrew Zacharias Stevenson, who robbed several West Kootenay businesses, pleaded guilty in Nelson Provincial Court Tuesday to a laundry list of charges. The charges include robbery using a restricted prohibited firearm, unlawful use of a firearm, using an imitation firearm and breaking and entering. Stevenson, appearing via...

Letter: Kootenay Lake District parents concerned about ramifications of Bill 11

To the Editor: Honourable Peter Fassbender, Minister of Education PO Box 9045, Stn Prov Govt   Victoria, BC, V8W 9E2   Dear Minister Fassbender:   Re: Bill 11, The Education Statutes Amendment Act   We write to you as representatives of the parents of almost 5,000 students in the Kootenay Lake School District who are gravely...

SPOTLIGHT FILMS: Finding Vivian Maier

Spotlight Films   presents   the 10th  film of our 11th season!    Finding Vivian Maier Tuesday, April 28th 7:30 pm @ The Gem Theatre     Greetings to all Spotlight Films members, sponsors, and friends:     We are pleased to present the fascinating documentary, Finding Vivian Maier, this coming Tuesday.  It is the story of ...

Rare Bird Revue coming to GF in May

"There is nothing to do in this town!" If I had a quarter for every time I heard this I'd have a tidy little sum.   I am not sure what these nay sayers are looking for, however if they are looking for an exciting, fun evening out, with glamorous live entertainment, delicious appies,  drinks and dancing, an opportunity to dress...

LETTER: Funding for invasive species program not all good news

The recent article in local media celebrating the public funding of the invasive weed program is one of many examples of pathetic behavior by our politicians that showcase why it is virtually impossible to have an honest intelligent discussion of the management of our province’s natural resources. Cows traversing moderate...

Cadets participate in leadership/bush weekend

Cadets from the West Kootenay Air Cadet Squadrons participated in a Leadership/Bush Weekend, April 24 to 26.  The exercise was conducted on land operated by the 44th Field Engineer Squadron near Trail. Approximately 60 cadets, and seven Officers from squadrons in Grand Forks, Nelson, Castlegar and Trail were at the exercise....

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