

RDCK issues Evacuation Alert for Duhamel/Sitkum due to North Shore wildfire

The Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre has has imposed an evacuation alert concerning the interface wildfire burning on the North Shore outside of Nelson, now called the Sitkum Creek Fire (#SitkumCreek). (An interface fire is a wildland fire that puts communities and people at risk. A wind-driven...

UPDATED: Sitkum Creek/Duhamel Creek now approximately 60 hectares in size

It didn't take long for the Sitkum Creek/Duhamel Creek fire to grow. The Southeast Fire Centre is reporting the fire, located approximately four kilometers north of Nelson, had ballooned to 60 hectares in size. Status remains active as helicopters and multiple airtanker groups continue to battle the blaze until nightfall. The...

Grand Forks Canada Day parade

Thanks again to Les Johnson from GFTV for recording the parade. ...

Southeast Fire Centre reports small wildfire northeast of Kokanee Creek Provincial Park

The Southeast Fire Center said Friday BC Wildfire Service is responding to a three-hectare wildfire near Kokanee Creek and two kilometres northeast of Kokanee Creek Provincial Park. The Southeast Fire Centre, in a prepared statement, saiud no structures are immediately threatened at this time. "Our wildfire reporting line has...

Nelson man believes 'Lady Luck' on his side after tree crushes trailer during Monday's thunderstorm

A Nelson man believes “Lady Luck” was on his side during Monday’s thunderstorm that rocked the Heritage City. Richard Nelson, at home alone at the time of thunderstorm Monday evening, was inside the family dwelling at the Rosemont Trailer Park when a huge tree crashed through the roof as a result of the Gale Force winds the...

Mandatory Boat Inspections in CL

New federal legislation has allowed collaboration between Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), Ministry of Environment (MOE) Junior Compliance and Enforcement Officers, and the Christina Lake Stewardship Society (CLSS) to protect BC’s freshwater from Quagga and Zebra Mussels. CLSS is moving into its eighth year of monitoring...

Southeast Fire Centre issues campfire ban beginning Friday at noon

Southeast Fire Centre is advising that effective at noon Pacific Time on Friday, July 3, 2015, campfires will be prohibited throughout the region to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect public safety. The campfire prohibition will remain in place until the public is otherwise notified. The campfire ban is in addition...

Nelsonites clean up after massive thunderstorm rocks Heritage City

Residents woke up to downed trees, branches and debris filling the streets following a severe thunderstorm that ripped through the West Kootenay/Boundary/Arrow and Slocan Lakes region Monday evening. "Mother Nature did a little pruning," said one early morning walker on the waterfront pathway Tuesday morning. Environment...

UPDATED: Nelson Hydro/Fortis BC crews deal with massive power outage from Monday's Thunderstorm

Nelsonites were left in the dark for well into the night after a powerful thunderstorm rocked the region Monday evening. The storm packed wind gusts that knocked numerous trees over power lines, leaving most of the region without power. The power outage included Nelson Hydro and parts of Fortis BC. Nelson Hydro crews were...

Heatwave breaks records in 38 locations in BC — Warfield tops 40.6 mark

Hot? More like a scorcher. As predicted records fell as faster than sweat off eyebrows as mid to upper flows from the United States made for a June heatwave. New records were registered in 38 different B.C. locations across the province. Unofficial temperatures had Warfield topping the record-breakers, with a temperature of...

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