

GF moves to Stage 2 water restrictions

Gardens and lawns across BC are taking a beating this year with the hot dry weather conditions. To help conserve water and ensure there is enough water to last through the summer and fall, the City of Grand Forks has moved to Stage 2 Water restrictions. STAGE 2: TWICE A WEEK WATERING EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY  “EVEN” numbered...

Vandals damage grave markers at Nelson Memorial Cemetery

City of Nelson Memorial Cemetery staff arrived to work Friday morning to find that vandals pushed over a handful of grave markers during the night. Nelson Police were called to the Uphill-based cemetery to investigate the vandalism. Police found that vandals had pushed over the grave markers in the Anglican section of the...

LETTER: City in Conflict of Interest

Dear Editor, The video media tech recording council meetings is publicly discrediting and debasing our mayor. He published demeaning things about Councilor Butler (that she had him remove on the basis of Respectful Workplace policy). He openly states biased opinions about issues that intimately involve the city and its...

NPD, Physician concerned with string of recent drug overdoses

Interior Health and Nelson Police are warning the public in the wake of at least four critical drug overdose cases in Nelson over the last three months. The warning comes as the summer festival season heats up — Starbelly Jam, Shambhala and Unity Music Festival — in the Nelson area. “This is my third year in Nelson, and I’ve...

Founder's Day keeps growing in Greenwood

Thanks to Les Johnson and GFTV on this coverage of Founder's Day. ...

LETTER: Disclaimer and Caution -- Smart Meters

Public Service Announcement to Community Regarding Smart Meters In researching smart meters or Itron meters, I have learned there is a lot of misinformation circulated by email and available on the internet.  I continue to support only peaceful, legal and harmonious resolution of resident concerns about Itron smart meters. ...

Culture Tour coming to Christina Lake

Taking place August 8 & 9, from 10 am - 5 pm, the Columbia Basin Culture Tour allows you to explore artists' studios, museums, art galleries and heritage sites during this free, self-guided event. Travel to studios and archives that aren't normally open, see demonstrations, new exhibitions and collections or meet people...

'Burn off operation' responsible for huge column of smoke coming from Sitkum Creek Wildfire; Martin Mars helps fight Akokli Creek fire on East Shore of Kootenay Lake

Residents concerned about the huge column of smoke coming from the Sitkum Creek wildfire north of Nelson Saturday afternoon can be rest assured BC Wildfire Service crews have everything under control. Fire Information Officer for the Southeast Fire Centre, Karlie Shaughnessy, told The Nelson Daily the smoke is due to “burn ...

Judge reserves decision in assault trial of Nelson Police officer

BC Provincial Court Judge Richard Hewson reserved decision Friday in the assault trial of Nelson Police Department officer Const. Drew Turner. Const. Turner is charge with assault following an incident on May 1, 2014, while off duty, allegedly punched Tawny Campbell in the face while the woman was handcuffed in a police...

Gas leak on Vernon Street forces evacuation of several Nelson businesses

Emergency personal were kept busy Thursday morning in Nelson when a gas line ruptured forcing evacuation of several business surrounding the intersection of Hall and Vernon Streets. The call came into Nelson Fire Department shortly after 10 a.m. that crews working on the Stores to Shores project ruptured a connection on a...

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