

Local cyclist dies during century ride

Grand Forks’ cycling community has lost one of its own. Bohdan Juzkiw, 66, died Aug. 8, while taking part in the Red Rocks Century ride, which started in Morrison, Colorado. According to reports, Juzkiw crashed roughly 72.4 km (45 miles) into the ride and was quickly attended by local residents with paramedics arriving shortly...

Nelson's Don Kurylko dream sailboat begins maiden voyage

Don Kurylko’s sailboat, that took years to build inside a shed on his property, no longer rests at 1300 block of Stanley Street in Nelson. The 34-foot hand-built sailboat is on its way to the Pacific Ocean, near Richmond. A truck came to pick up the sailboat following a brief, but special, ceremony Saturday in Nelson near...

New Skydrone Training & Services coming to GF

The City of Grand Forks is the only certified airport in British Columbia and one of two in Canada to provide advanced training and certification in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Skydrone UAV Services in partnership with Western Aviation Services, is operating out of the Grand Forks airport under a Special Flight Operations...

Two new exhibits coming to gallery 2 Aug. 22

Aug. 22nd will be a busy day for Gallery 2 with the opening of two new exhibits featuring artists, Susan Andrews Grace, and Sonja Gartner. Gartner, a self-taught painter, explores the complexity and spirituality of Mandalas, geometric figures that represent the universe in Hinduism and Buddhism. “There is something inherently...

Gallery 2 to host Jordan Bennett exhibition

Gallery 2 is pleased to announce it is hosting works by world class, Canadian artist, Jordan Bennett starting Aug. 26th. Bennett, from Mi’kmaq heritage and Stephenville Crossing, Newfoundland, has had exhibitions around the world featuring his multi-disciplinary visual arts. Venues such as The Museum of Art and Design, NYC,...

LIBRARY MUSINGS: No stress book returns while travelling; 'Other F Words'

Are you going to visit somewhere else in BC this summer? Worried that your library books are going to come up due while you are away? Well have no fear because you are able to return your materials borrowed from the Grand Forks & District Public Library to any other public library in BC, and they will make sure that it ...

Man dead after colliding with cow on Hwy 3

A Cranbook man (58) has died on Hwy 3 and Eholt Road (near Wilgress Lake) after colliding his motorcycle with a domestic cow around 10:40 p.m, Aug. 10. His motorcycle was in the fast lane, heading east and passing a slower moving vehicle when he struck the cow on the highway, He was pronounced dead at the Grand Forks Hospital....

Boundary Trans-Canada Trail Partnership Agreement Signed

Celia Evanson, president of Trails to the Boundary Society (TTTBS) and Tennessee Trent, the acting provincial trails manager for MFLNRO Recreation Sites and Trails BC signed the Partnership Agreement between the Province of British Columbia and the Trails to the Boundary Society.  The partnership agreement is official as of...

KETTLE RIVER Q&A: Responding to drought with water conservation

We’re going to need to work together on this one. What helps us conserve water during a drought, and why do we not take more steps to conserve water? At a recent meeting of water suppliers and municipalities in Grand Forks to discuss the drought situation and potential responses, I introduced some ideas about what motivates...


This is an easy, family-friendly loop that starts just off of the North Fork Road on the edge of Grand Forks.  To reach the trail head, turn north on the North Fork Road/Franklin Road drive for 1.75 km. If you see Ward Road, you have just missed the parking spot by seconds.  On the East side of the road, you'll see a parking...

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